Welcome to BlackwaterDnD, where we roll dice and play nice, north of the 49th! Join us as we explore the wonderful world of TTRPGs, and tell rich stories of improvisation and imagination. 

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Latest Episodes

Episode 61 - The Fall of the Winged Libertine

The party helps some Dathian rebels ambush a soldier's encampment, but they then get ambushed from the sky above...Welcome to BlackwaterDnD's Main Campaign!Featuring T...

Episode 60 - In the Talons of Titans

Esper finds out what's been causing the electric sandstorm near Felinis, and the party makes a call that drops them in the middle of a civil war far across Cotona...We...

Episode 59 - Call & Response

Best Wishes makes good use of the sending spell, reaching across the world to find out what they've missed after so long away...Welcome to BlackwaterDnD's Main Campaig...

Episode 58 - The Snake in the Grass

Best Wishes find the heart of Yasil, and spend time recovering in the Feywild, only to find that time was not on their side...Welcome to BlackwaterDnD's Main Campaign!...

Episode 57 - Mendacity

The party deals with a forest that cannot show them the difference between lie and truth... Welcome to BlackwaterDnD's Main Campaign!Featuring Tim (he/him) as our illu...

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