Godkiller: Oblivion - ARC 3, PART 1: Protector
Welcome to BlackwaterDnD, where good friends tell better stories. This series, Oblivion, is an eleven part miniseries using the Powered by the Apocalypse system, Godkiller, which was created by Connie Chang, now available on Itch.io for purchase. Our story tells a tale of the end of all things, and follows one prophesized soul who challenges the shackles of fated and foretold divinity. This story is our love letter to fearless storytelling, passionate vulnerability, and incredible creators who challenge us to bring our best selves to the table. For this story, your GOD, everyone else, and the thrum of the Cradle, is myself, Em Carlson, and my GODKILLER is played by Jannes Wessels and Christian Navarro. As this game falls within a holypunk and dark fantasy genre, it may contain themes and depictions that are triggering for some listeners. Please take care of yourself and access support as you see fit.
Content warnings for this episode include:
Heartbreak // romance // grief // sacrifice // fantasy violence // guns as weapons // rejection // religious overtones // power dynamics and struggle // strong language // death // complicated relationships // body wounds and injury
So sit back and relax, heretic. And welcome to Godkiller: Oblivion
Your eyes flutter open inside the cart helmed by drifter Ryland Arno of Soevan and his paladins, transporting medicine to Glass from the city of Hood after having found you weary and beleaguered on the side of the road after your confrontation with Nyxal. Your senses are swimming as if you're trying to pull yourself out of the fog of sleep with some difficulty. You suspect that there's a reason many of the holy folk of Soevan spend most of their time asleep.
You hear the rain beating down on the covered carriage, feeling the soft plush under your body and your head. You feel rested, a bit groggy, but well and truly rested. Your bones do not ache and the muscles that had felt strained after you lay on the forest floor near the lake of portent for a few months, no longer twinge as you begin to sit up. You clock the hushed tones of Arno as he dismisses the paladins out and you see them exit the wagon to begin taking the medicine into the city to distribute amongst the healers and clerics of the major temples here in Glass.
Arno looks over to you.
Em (as Arno):
“I see that you're awake. I trust your rest was good.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Oh yes, it was quite illuminating.”
Em (as Arno):
“Your meeting with Mother.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Yes, I think I met your brother as well.”
Em (as Arno):
“Somnus, yes. It has been some time since I have seen him. Did you get what you were looking for?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“In a sense.”
Em (as Arno):
“As with all meetings with Mother, none of them ever quite go according to plan. I will be staying in the small temple to Soevan in the second ring. You are welcome there anytime.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Thank you.”
Em (as Arno):
“And here,” he passes over a small vial, and you see one last dosage of Drift.
“You can apply it to yourself if you need, but if you are going to use it on someone else, it does not work on those not willing to go.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Alright, well… I will keep it safe. Thank you again.”
Em (as Arno);
“The pleasure is mine Inanis. Take care.”
“I think I would go and… find Katani.”
Em (03:58.362)
As you walk away from the cart, you judge it to be about midday. You've slept through most of the remainder of the travel from the forest. You enter Glass through the gate you left with the clouds bursting into a downpour overhead. You are drenched before you even cross the fourth district. You navigate your way through the city, making your way towards the Chime.
It's a quiet day. And even though it's winter and this may be because of the weather, you notice there is little activity in the streets. And many of the small shops and taverns that would normally have a small crowd in there are quiet or closed entirely.
You cut your way through to the center of the city, and you do not hear the Chime itself. You don't hear the bells of the temples. Something has shifted here in the city since you have been gone. There is a sense of unease and unrest that lays in wait, that cuts its way and weaves its way through the city streets. You approach Temple Lybica. It’s architecture differentiating it from the bottom of the Chime itself with sandstone and obsidian standing in sharp contrast to the reflective and more seemingly fragile surface of the tower.
You remember learning a little bit about the history of the priestesses of Nepthysaket. It was hard not to, with all the time you spent around Katani. The blessed firstborn daughters of the desert, all with horns and sharp, defined features. All with eyes that reflect the mysteries of what lies beyond the mortal coil. All with kindness and patience that extend beyond their years. Still following the traditions from days long before, babies placed on the steps and taken in to grow with the light of Her Grace. The temple doors are slightly ajar, as always, no matter what time of day, and you step inside.
This is not the first time you've been in this temple, not by a long shot. Simple pews of dark wood line the inner chapel with mosaic and relief depicting prayer and scripture from Her holy texts. You see at the back a large pool of white water, which you know as the Almuit Althani, or the Second Sea. You don't know why it's called this, but you know it has to do with healing properties, as it ripples calmly, flanked by trees with large, broad leaves that are not palms but different and flora not native to this part of the cradle. The priestesses of Nepthysaket have gone a long way to preserve tradition, even if they don't fully remember why.
The people of Glass, and throughout the Valley beyond, come here to seek solace, to find refuge from the unknown of what comes after death, or to spend the last of their days in a way that is under their control. Shepherded by the priestesses here, there is a divine sense of calm resonating through the halls. You cannot help but feel it.
What would you like to do?
Would I know at this time of day where she would be?
It's midday, so you know that there are prayers that generally happen around noon. There are multiple prayer rooms here. You've never been explicitly invited into any of them, but they are here if you wish to go find them.
I think I would be able to recognize like a newer or a younger priestess. And I would pull one aside and ask,
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I am looking for Katani. Have you seen her?”
You see this acolyte that you've pulled aside is young. She's probably about 14. She has pale white skin with green eyes and kind of short stubby horns out of the front of her forehead. She wears simple acolytes robes. She's probably just taken her vows at 14.
As you mention Katani, you see a small look of panic cross her eyes right before she can stifle it, despite it not reaching the rest of her face.
Em (as Yahiri):
“Um, I'm gonna go get the High Priestess. Will you wait here?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“No, no, I need to see, I need to know what um, what was that expression that just crossed your face? What is, what is going on?”
Em (as Yahiri):
“I don't fully know everything that's going on but the high priestess said if anyone came for Katani to come find her. I have to go get her.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Do you not know or are you keeping it secret?”
Em (as Yahiri):
“I know very little. I'm just an acolyte, sir. Please, I'm gonna go get the High Priestess."
And she starts to move.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I'll come with you.”
Em (as Yahiri):
“Okay? Okay.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“What is your name, young one?”
Em (as Yahiri):
“Yahiri, sir.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“You are... Okay, you are not in trouble. There's no need to be nervous or scared.”
Em (as Yahiri):
“I wish I could believe you, sir.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“What is there to fear?”
Em (as Yahiri):
“I'm just gonna take you to see the priestess, okay? And she can tell you, she can fill you in. I have to get back to my prayers.”
So Yahiri leads you down a series of winding hallways and up onto the second floor of this area within the temple and she knocks at the door.
Em (as Yahiri):
“High Priestess? It's Yahiri. I have someone here looking for Katani.”
You hear a shuffling inside and a latch being flipped inside behind this big mahogany door that swings open and you see High Priestess Verity Fall standing before you. You've seen her previously on the dais, on when you left Glass last time. She meets your height. She has long white hair that is worn simply and down, cascading down around black and gold robes. Her horns almost match the tone of the door, which are set in stark contrast to the gold of her eyes as well.
I think that Inanis, the second the door opened… Inanis would just let himself in. And he would,
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Thank you very much for bringing me. And I will make sure you are commended for your politeness and your, how promptly you assisted me.”
Yahiri looks back and forth between you and the high priestess and she dips her head. And Varity looks at her.
Em (as High Priestess Verity Fall, She Who Listens in Silence)
“Mind your prayers. Go.”
As Yahiri kind of scuttles away down the hallway, Verity allows you space in the room and she closes the door behind her.
Em (as Verity):
“You're here to see Katani. May I ask who you are and your business?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“My name is Inanis.”
Em (as Verity):
“Alright, Inanis.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Does that name mean anything to you?”
Em (as Verity):
“Should it?”
Inanis would smile at that. I think there's a… I think he's starting to bear a sense of pride in his position. I think that the years of feeling like he was at the whims of the gods… The idea that they now have to respect him to a degree brings him a certain sense of enjoyment that they respect and fear this mortal.
And you know that Verity Fall is essentially the speaker of Nepthysaket here on the material plane. She's about as high up as it goes.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I guess it only means something to you if the name Katani means something to you. Or do you not know?”
She looks at your face and tries to study it for a moment as if she's trying to gleam any double meaning that you may have laid in it. And as you see her looking at you, you take a second to truly regard her and she looks tired. She looks exhausted. She looks—you can see the lines of worry that are well set into her face.
I would like to Wield a Power.
Okay, what would you like to do here?
I'd like to wield the power of Soevan.
I want to cross the room and I want to place my hand on Priestess Fall's shoulder. And I want to use the power of rejuvenation to try and lift some of that fatigue and that burden that she feels.
Okay. So when you Wield a Power to do something only a god can, roll 2d6 and you can add one for each true statement. You've done the specific act before, perfectly. No. You're desperate for this to work.
You're close to a shrine, lair, or domain of the god you took this power from. No.
No, so just 2D6. Um, that is a seven.
Okay. On a seven to nine, you do it. Your hand reaches out and places with a slight grip on her shoulder, and you watch her eyes almost widen at the impropriety of what you're doing, waltzing into her chambers, asserting your space, and then also placing a hand on her without her consent. What does it look like when you rejuvenate or restore or lift that from her?
I think that when he places the hand on her, it kind of almost like sucks the fatigue out of her in a visual sense, almost like darkness pulling from her and then winding its way up his sleeve as though he is the abyss sucking that fatigue in. And I think that if… he wasn't wearing a shirt, you'd probably see it sort of coalesce around the scar, as if he is taking that fatigue from her. Not just making it go away, but physically taking it from her.
She watches it almost snake up your hand and under the sleeve of your shirt traveling across your skin.
Em (as Verity):
“I see. Well then it is fortuitous that you're here. I suppose I should say thank you. First, to you. Yes, I do know who you are. She didn't stop talking about you.
And so thank you for returning what is a priceless piece of our history. We cannot thank you enough for finding it and bringing it back to us. There have… there is much we have to learn about it, but if our histories are correct, then we owe much to the High Priestess that owned it.
And you see her eyes glance over your shoulder and you see the firearm you found, cleaned and restored, mounted in a glass case on the wall. And you see a shining, deep purple-black crystal inside the chamber. It's glowing, and you feel divinity radiating off of it.
Em (as Verity):
“Will you follow me?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Yes… I want you to know that… guess I have a question. Do you know who Katani is? Truly.”
Em (as Verity):
“She is a priestess of Nepthysaket. She is one of the most devout here at our temple. I'm not quite sure what you mean.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Alright, may I… please take me to her.”
She leads you out the door and through a series of hallways with many other closed doors. You pass younger acolytes and priestesses. You see Yahiri peek around the corner as she watches you walk down the hall. You hear the low musical sound of midday prayers, remembering their harmony as you'd heard Katani go through them many times. You get to the end of a corridor and Verity stops outside a door. There's something off in the way that she looks at you. You see sympathy. You see care. And you see condolence.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“What is this? This look you give me? What is this? I will not be blindsided by what's on the other side of that door. Speak frankly to me.”
Em (as Verity):
“When we found her, it was almost too late. She called for you, and she has done so in her sleep many times. We have tried everything we can. I am very sorry.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I need you to come into this room with me right now. And I need you to make sure that no one can hear what I'm about to tell you.”
She opens the door and you go inside the room. She closes it behind you and as you look around you see a simple bedroom, a double bed with light linen sheets, a small dresser in the corner, a few hooks on the wall holding sets of priestess robes, some more opulent than the others. You see a simple vanity with a mirror and a chair at the bedside.
What hits you though is the smell of sulfur and burning as if a match that has just been put out. Katani is on her back, asleep within the sheets. Her face is placid, but twitches slightly. You can see that she's had a fever, and it's probably broken a few times. Her hair is a mess around her head and she is wearing a simple black shift as she is gently tucked in. Verity looks at you once more.
Em (as Verity):
“We found her on the front steps of the temple and there was so much blood. She had been stabbed in the stomach with something sharp and curved - from what we can tell it looks to be the shape of a horn of some kind… solid. The weapon was gone as was the assailant but the wound will not heal, despite the fact that we have tended to her internal organs. It seems to burn her, taking her with fever more often than we can manage. We have at least one of us tending to her around the clock, but we are just waiting now.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Is this room secure? Can I speak frankly to you and safely?”
Em (as Verity)
“Yes, I, there is just the priestesses outside, anything that-”
I would like to... I'd like to use a move. I'd like to... I need to be sure. I'd like to Recognize a God, please.
Okay. So when you want to recognize the signs or influence of a God of the cradle, roll 2d6. You can add one for each true statement.
It's a yes for all three.
It absolutely is. Go ahead.
I mean, we can go through it for people at home. You're in or in their domain, yes. You're familiar with their gospel, yes. It'd be bad if you didn't know. It's been so bad. That is a seven, eight, nine, 13.
13. [exhales]
On an overkill, you realize your divinity is actively trespassing against this God right now and the GM will say how. As you speak with quite an assertive and forceful tone towards Verity, it is as if what you just showed her in her office almost starts to happen in reverse without your control of it. You see and she sees a dark black energy start to pool out leaking out from under your feet. It sits around your ankles and she steps backward and she steps between you and Katani.
But as you look past Verity… You look at Katani asleep in this bed and you see what I think you've always seen in some way. You see her… but as she shifts in her sleep, she turns to you and you see that half of her face is quite scarred, where it had not been before. You see, gone are the horns that used to be on her head, and you see small, black, furred ears, pointed, nestled in her hair. On the bedside you see a half face golden mask that if you blink it would go and be gone.
This is Nepthysaket, lying in bed with her high priestess standing between the two of you. But you knew that already.
You see Verity starting to reach for something within her robes.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I wouldn't do that.:
Em (as Verity):
“You are threatening me here.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Do you know who she is? I am not threatening you. I am not threatening you. If you do not know who she is, then I am the only one who can tell you.”
Em (as Verity):
“I don't know what you mean. She is a priestess here in our temple. She is under my charge.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“She is... She is your goddess. She is Her Grace. And she has.. She has been injured in a way that only a God could have done.”
Em (as Verity):
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Look at her. How can you not see it? Have you spoken to your Grace recently? You are the one who's in direct contact with her, no?”
Em (as Verity):
“We have all been praying for aid, but our calls have gone unheeded.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“My guess is since Katani has been injured.”
She turns around against her better judgment, putting her back to you. And she well and truly looks and you see her hand fly to her mouth, and she drops to her knees immediately, and she places her head against the bed and you hear her weeping. You hear her absolutely start to weep.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“That will do you no good. We need to find a way to heal her.”
Em (29:50.914)
She can't seem to parse that out at the moment. You have told the high priestess of a religion that her goddess has been under her nose for much longer than she knew.
Minutes pass by as you let Verity compose herself. She pulls herself up into the chair, gently taking Katani's hand, and she looks back at you.
Em (as Verity):
“How? Why? Why is she here? Why is she here?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I don't know.”
Em (as Verity):
“Was she here for you?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I think it was, yes, to give an eye on me. I didn't know.”
Em (as Verity):
“Did you do this to her? Is this because of you?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“My dear, it's all because of me. You said you knew who I was. Apparently that is not true.
Em (as Verity):
“I knew she cared for you, very much. Every time she came back after seeing you. Divine intervention couldn't put that kind of smile on someone's face.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“What God has horns that could have done this?”
Em (as Verity):
“A God?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“The only thing that could have injured her was a God. The only person who's not a God who can kill a god is standing before you.”
Her eyes widen again. There is a protective nature in her. And you see this in the way that she looked at Yahiri. And you see now that despite the fact that she is outmatched easily by either of you, she would well and truly give her life defending the goddess asleep in the bed behind her. She stands up.
Em (as Verity):
“You will not hurt her.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“That is not my plan, my plan is to help her. I need to know who could have done this. Who of the Seven has a horn?”
She thinks for a moment. She walks over to the other side of the bed, keeping an eye on you and gently folds down the sheet. Katani rustles in her sleep softly as you see Verity unbutton and undo a few ties on the side of her shift. She removes this part - it looks as if it has been created so that it can be easily attended to, so that the wound may be attended to. There is a bandage, it is soaked through bright red blood. But you don't see it as red. You see gold. You see the gold interwoven in small rivulets as it is sucked into this cloth. She moves the dressing back and it is a bright red wound. You can feel the warmth coming off it. The weapon looks to have been sharp, curved, to move up and in. Whoever did this knew exactly where they were supposed to aim.
Sharp and curved like a dagger? My dagger?
No, your dagger still has a strong blade to it. This starts wide and ends small. You can see the bruising around the wound as if it was pushed in.
She thinks for a moment.
Em (as Verity)
“Any of the gods could appear with horns. There is no one in particular who carries that in their visage all the time. Perhaps you can make something of it. I should get her fresh bandages anyway.”
I'd like to go and kneel beside the bed, and I would like to Pray for Guidance.
So when you Pray for Guidance, you name the aid you seek and answer one. The GM will describe the aid that actually comes as they answer the other. So what God hears your prayers or what unclear omen or visage beseech you?
I would kneel beside the bed and I would take Katani's hand and I would say,
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Who did this to you?”
And then what kind of God answers my prayers? I hope it's her.
You place your hand in hers. You encircle it with yours. You find yourself absently rubbing her palm, hoping. And you see her shift in her sleep, and you hear soft mmm and you see her eyes gently flicker open.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Inanis? What are you doing here?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I'm... looks like I'm here to get you in trouble again. Who did this to you, my dear?”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I... I did not see who... But I smelled this burning... a sulphur. They called my name and they turned and I was held and I felt a searing pain in my stomach. I... I don't remember anything else until I woke up in here. I have my theories but I am uncertain. I am nobody's jury, nor executioner. I do not wish to pass judgment if I do not know for certain.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“You will... No, you will tell me who you think it is. I know… I know who you are.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Inanis, please.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I know that you have been telling me half-truths for as long as I have known you. I need you to tell me who did this.”
She looks up to Verity.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Go. Please.”
And Verity shakes her head, vehemently.
Em (as Verity):
“I will not leave you alone with him.”
And she weakly lifts an arm and she gently touches Verity's sleeve as she's leaned over on the bed.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“It's alright. He cannot hurt me anymore.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I'll let you know when I'm done.”
Verity shoots a look at you.
Em (as Verity):
“I will be outside the door.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
She leans over to Katani and you see tears streaming down her face. And she presses her temple against Katani’s, and you see Katani smile.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Go. It's alright. Go.”
Verity nods. She grabs a couple things in the room, I think trying to make busy work for herself. And exits. You hear the door close.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“You have questions.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Yes, who did this? And then I will go and take care of it and I will come back and ask my questions. I have things to do, Katani. And I need to deal with this before I can get to them. So, out with it.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“If it was a weapon that can hurt me, than it is crafted by a God themselves or part of one. It may have been someone who knew, or who found out about what I had been hiding from them.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I need a name.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I'm not sure. I'm not sure, Inanis.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“You have a theory you must know. You are a god. You know which gods would stand against you. It has to have been one of the Seven. No minor god would be brazen enough.”
Em (40:48.292)
“It is not me they stand against, Inanis. It is you.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“So I put you at risk. Even more reason for me to deal with this. Do not protect them, Katani.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“The last time that the Godkiller Prophecy made its way through the Cradle, The Last Light Crusade occurred at Barrencliff, led by those loyal to Halinaea, Ashmedai and the Strix. The Strix already know what you have done to their sister.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Are you saying it was one of them? Or does this go all the way to the top?”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“The horn from the Lord of the Ninth himself. That is enough to hurt me.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Where can I find him?”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Him? I do not know what their speakers are in their temples I assume.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Alright, I will go and find him and I will take care of it.”
And this is not Inanis, this is Jannes, very similar, not to be confused, I would like to Manifest a Miracle.
I'm gonna give up my power from Nyxal and I am going to heal Katani.
Oh my god.
And I think that they would look like… I think as he sits there, on his knees, her hand in his… you would hear a small little shuffle. And you would see sort of peeking around behind him, the little boy version of him that you'd heard about from the dream world. Just like a small innocent boy, peeking around his shoulder unsure. And he would come around, the little boy would come around with big eyes and place his little hand on top of Katani's and sort of be sucked in. And he would heal her, by literally giving her the little bit of innocence that he had left.
[Em gasps]
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I will come back and we will speak further. But for now I must go and see the High Priest of the Hells.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Inanis you won't find them there. They've already gone.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“The high priest?”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“They've left.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Where have they gone?”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“The Augury has been barred for months now, and rumors have been trickling through… it's all Verity speaks about.”
And you see her kind of like shift and try and become comfortable in her body again, and you see her hands move to smooth her hair and the ears are gone, replaced with horns once more and she kind of wipes the sweat from her brow and the scars are gone. She sits up looking at you more fully.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“The Augurs have been silent and there was worry amongst the council and the forces of Halinaea and Ashmedai marched out. Maybe a month ago.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“To where?”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“They did not say otherwise, just south. Verity wouldn't speak of it.”
Do I know if Barrencliff is south?
You absolutely do. Barrencliff is southeast.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I will come back. But I must first take care of this. I have something else in Barrencliff I need to find.”
She grabs your hand.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“We both know full well if you go now, I will likely never see you again.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I do not want to speak of it, but…”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Plenus thinks there's a way. And I don't believe him. But if there's a way, I will see you again.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I didn't mean to keep it from you.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I don't believe you ever kept who you are from me. Just what you're called.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“And I didn't know about you when I walked through the door that first time.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Neither did I.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I knew when you kissed my hand. The thing about me, Inanis…”
And she is gripping your hand. That is, if she is fully convinced that if she lets it go now, that's it. That she won't get you back.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I see everyone's life pass through my hands when I touch them or carry their soul. It is something I cannot turn off, though I try to ignore it. And I did not see the transition of your life, when you held my hand that first time. I saw my own. You held my life in your hands instead of the other way around.
I have tried to find every Eutoches I could find, trying to figure out who the Godkiller was, and perhaps offer friendship or companionship. There is beauty in a good life and a good death - and that is enough. I did not know I was going to fall in love with you. And I tried very hard not to.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I will let you know when I am going to do it. And you can go to the River. You'll be safe there. I will come find you there after it is done.
Soevan said that the River would survive. She has made precautions, taken precautions to make sure that she and her children survive the death of Archeveleon. You can get there.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“And how are you so sure that you will be able to make it there? You're not.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I will find a way. Because if I have killed Archivellion, if I have done my duty, I'll have earned it. I'll have earned an opportunity to live my life for me. But now I need to go and see a man with a horn.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“We could just go now. We could go now then perhaps one day the magic will come back or it won't. I can do my work from there.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I can't do that. He has to end. It has to end. “
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“All things die, but it does not mean that all things have to end, Inanis.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“All things end, all things.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“It has been my job since my sister's betrayal to atone, to keep the balance between life and death and provide a safe harbour and passage from one chapter to the next for everyone, no matter whom.
You are just kicking the scales entirely. There is no balance.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“There is balance. There was nothing. And then we had something and it returns to nothing. That is the balance. This is the life and the death of our universe, of all the universes. Everything ends.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“If everything ends, why would I survive this? I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it, that I should be the reason that you don't do it. You're going to do what you're going to do. I have known that about you since the day I met you.
There is no guarantees of anything, Inanis.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“No, there is not.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“No guarantees that Soevan will be able to protect herself or her children. No guarantees that the River will survive.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Or what will you have me do? Runaway? Forsake my oaths? Dawdle like Plenus? Scheme and grasp at straws. For what? A couple more years while the Gods kill each other and bicker like children. The world is sick and dying.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Then why did you save me?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I don’t know. I gave you the last part of me.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“And you have given me so much.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I will see you again. But I must go. You owe her, your high priestess, a lot. She is a remarkable woman.”
And he would get up and kiss her hand.
She would, as you put… place to kiss on the back of her hand, her hand would move up to cup your cheek. She would tilt your chin up. You'd see her shuffle over and lean to you, placing her head next to yours, similar to Verity, what she had done with her.
And I think she would feel him for a second, like the briefest moment, sort of sink into that and then she would feel him physically withdraw.
She stays exactly where she was.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Until I see you again, Katani. Your Grace.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“There's no need for that. I miss you. I'll miss you.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Then I'll make sure I come by again.”
He would walk to the door and open it and he would look Verity in the eyes and say,
Jannes (as Inanis):
“She's better now. Please make sure that doesn't happen again. I'll be back.”
And he would just turn and walk away.
Verity looks after you down the hall and there is a moment where she thinks of walking after you to try and figure out what you meant, but she dips inside, and you hear the soft hushed tones of the two women beginning to speak in their shared language.
And Inanis would make his way out of the temple to the front steps. And I am going to Unleash my Divinity.
Okay. Alright.
When you unleash your awakened divinity, describe how your godhood surges forth as you exert your will upon reality. You accomplish a single brilliant feat with one side effect of your choosing. It's brief, it is obvious, it is unstable. Afterward, your divinity becomes dormant once more.
So what I want to have happen is he walks out, he looks up at the sky, clocks the sun, gets a sort of rough idea of direction and to unleash his divinity, he needs to do something for himself. He knows to pursue Ashmedai and Halinaea is purely for personal reasons and that desire to find them and to catch them… he would start running. And he would run faster and faster and faster until he was just a blur, moving at an incredible, incomprehensible speed. And the side effect I'm choosing is it is obvious. People know when they see him move, that he is not normal. He is not mortal and he takes off a blur heading south towards the ruins.
Okay. Damn. Okay. All right.
As he makes his way at incredible speed, I think he would sort of, the speed would fluctuate so that he has time to sort of like take a look at the ground, see where the wagon tracks have gone. And sort of like he's moving quickly. That is a speed that is not a speed that a human could do, but it's not like he's not stopping and asking if people have been through or you know what I mean? He is taking the time to do that, to sort of parse out where they've gone.
About how long are you estimating you want to go on this journey for? Until you find them?
Until I find the high priest, yeah.
Okay. [exhales] So you take off running. Do you stick to the road or do you go by feel?
I go by feel. I mean, at this point I'm leaning heavily into the divine nature of my ability. You know what I mean? Like I'm, I think that there's a certain amount of like, almost like finding it on scent. Like I'm sniffing out who I'm looking for. I've got that odor of sulfur in my nose and I'm using it to sort of lock me in on whoever's here representing him.
Mm-hmm. Okay. You take off towards the southeast gate. As you take off on a run, and you know that the pathway to the southeast will get you in the direction towards Barrencliff, in the direction you assume they're going. But as you exit out the gate, it is as if your head turns on a swivel and you catch that smell of sulfur on the wind coming from the West instead.
You race back through the city to the southwest gate and you take off and you know you run in the direction of Striogax. Being the home of the Strix, the main center of military prowess amongst the Valley. As you run, covering a day's journey, two days, in a matter of hours.
I think visually in my mind, the way I picture it is like, if you were to like, cinematically play it out, it would be this moment of running and then like almost like a thunder clap as I exceed the speed of sound and then it just sort of appearing… almost like I've not, like almost as though I'm teleporting, as though I've somehow managed to connect two points in space,
in a distance that's shorter than reality. Like I'm crossing, like I'm, if you imagine the world is round, I'm sort of drawing a straight line instead of having to go through the curve, curvature of the earth. Like I'm finding these sort of like almost dimensional places that the world is closer and I'm like cracking through them as I'm achieving these speeds that rip me through the reality of time.
Yeah. This is quite perfect actually. So as you run, and that crack ripples through. You draw a straight line instead of running a circumference. You hear… it sounds like a gunshot. And you step into a place. You step into a place that you know is inherently different than your timeline, than your reality. You crack into somewhere new, and there is only one other person that you have ever felt who feels like this place. And it's gone again. As you appear outside of Stryogax. Probably three days journey.
You are up on a ridge, and you see two moderately sized groups - soldiers and paladins and holy folk below.
Do I recognize between the two groups, do I recognize any of this insignia that would indicate to me who's who?
Yeah, their armour is quite different. You see half wearing, red and black, dark, stained metal, with red cloth and leathers. The troops of Ashmedai. And you see bright, shining, almost reflective, large plumes on their helmets - those of Halinaea. It is interesting here from your vantage point watching the forces of the light, the forces of the above, and what may be considered the forces of the dark and the forces of the below working together towards a common cause. You see that tents and an encampment of sorts has been set up. it would likely be rude of them to fully go into Striogax without invitation, but they lie in wait for something. Perhaps waiting for the troops of the Strix - Nyxal, Kivok, and Vosh - to join them. What would you like to do?
I think I would see, I would see which tent is the biggest on the Ashmedai side, which one would most likely house the High Priest.
I think he would put his hood up and he would make his way down to the biggest tent that he's identified. And as I go down, I'd like to keep my senses open to see if I feel any other Eutoches hiding amongst Ashmedai’s people, just in case there's someone here who I might be able to call on if things go very bad.
Oh man. Okay.
But I would make my way down to the tent that has High Priest in it.
If you'd like to do that, I'm gonna say that this would be probably a mortal move of Feel Someone or Something Out because you're trying to get a sense just from looking at people trying to identify from far away.
And you would normally get that feeling in your stomach, but you're so bursting with divinity at this point, you're not quite sure what would happen. Okay, so yeah, I'll have you use the mortal move, Feel Someone or Something Sut. So you move your way through this crowd, navigating your way towards the largest tent, and you know the high priest of Ashmedai is Weston Kershel, known as The Smoke & The Suffering. That's his epithet.
As you approach Weston Kershel's tent, as you try and feel out a person, place, or a thing… Say what you want clarity about, which you have, if there are other Eutocious nearby and answer one. The GM will give you the clarity you seek as they answer the other. What feels welcoming on the surface or what feels dark and unnerving as I peer deeper?
I think I'm actually going to ask what feels welcoming on the surface. I think that Inanis has probably spent quite a bit of time with his... I feel like the followers of Ashmedai and him got along well. I feel even though he was Eutoches and someone who they were opposed to by his very nature, I think that he… they seem like they would be a group that enjoyed revelry and a bit of debauchery. And I think that he spent a lot of nights out with members of the faith of Ashmedai. So I think there's a certain sense of like, these were people that he knew, these were people that he like essentially partied with, in his youth. And there's a sort of a sense of like… belonging camaraderie in that, even though they now find themselves very opposed.
Okay. And I suppose what feels dark and unnerving when you peer deeper is the thought of if another Eutoches infiltrated their way into the followers of Ashmedai, what was their goal? What was their purpose being here? And if you partied with them and perhaps didn't notice because you might have been newer in your role, why did they never approach you?
So if you look around at this point, you don't sense anyone who could be a Eutocious like you. But my sense is, is if they are Eutocious, and they've been this close to very, very divine people, they have gotten very good at hiding it.
I think I would make my way into the tent. Would I find Weston seated?
You would see him, it is, gosh, by the time you got there, it would be pretty late at night, I would say, and that would make your infiltration through the camp reasonable at this point. As you sneak, you're gonna have to sneak past some guards to do this and to get inside the tent.
I think it's one of those things where if my divinity is still active, it's literally like whoop and I'm in. Like the tent ruffles and I'm standing in the tent.
Mmm. I'll give that to you.
I don't know if he's in his cups or he's eating or what, but I would just appear.
Okay, you see Weston Kershel sat at a table overlooking some plans. You see a very full glass of wine next to him in a half empty bottle, as you suspected. You also see standing in the corner, a large tall hulk of a man broad-shouldered and outfitted in black and red armor wielding a large spiked flail. The Champion of Ashmedai. You do not know who this person is but you know that every Speaker has a Champion.
Is the spikes on the flail about the same size as the hole in Katani?
No. But you would know that for that weapon to be able to hurt Katani, it would likely have to have been part of a God.
It would have actually had to be him. It would have had to be Ashmedai.
Or God-forged. So you enter in the room and…
Jannes (as Inanis):
Em (as High Priest Weston Kershel, The Smoke & The Suffering)
“Who the fuck are you?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Your... god tried to remove another off the playing field.”
You see him flash, there is a flash of recognition and a smile, cocks at his lips.
“If your God is looking for me. He shall come find me, and he shall leave her alone.”
And I would like to… orchestrate reality.
Oh boy, you're going to Wield a Power here, okay? So when you wield the power to do something only a God can, roll 2d6 and you're going to add one for each true statement. You've done this specific act before.
Uh... no.
No. Are you desperate for this to work?
So you can mark one strain, but you can take the plus one. And you're close to the shrine, lair, or domain of the god you took this from. No. So you can add a plus one with that one strain. So what are you going to do here?
Well, I'm going to roll first, because narratively, I want to describe it if it works.
That is a 9.
On a seven to nine, you do it. What do you do here?
After he says that, he says...
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Tell him to come find me. And if he steps closer, if he tries that with her again, I will kill him myself.”
And I will reach my hand forward and I will orchestrate reality and there will be… as I reach my hand forward, smoke will curl and that gun I saw in the High Priestess's office will appear in my hand and I will say,
“Her Grace sends her regards.”
And I will shoot him.
Oh my god. Yeah, okay. Ooh. So you orchestrate reality and you feel the weight of this pistol in your hand. You feel the smooth bone ivory handle, the weight of the metal warm in your hands. You feel the hum of the crystal as if time slows down and the bullet, you see it leave the chamber propelled by a divine magic that you could have never hoped to wield before this moment.
The bullet leaves the gun. And… to see if it hits, as the bullet fires, I'm going to have you roll to Inflict Violence. So when you inflict violence on someone, roll 2d6. Add one for each true statement. They wish you harm. Now they do. You're desperate?
To kill him, yeah.
And it's personal.
Okay, so that's gonna be a plus three.
Okay, on a hit, that part of the fight ends on your terms. Where do you wish to shoot him?
I think I would shoot him like square between the eyes.
The bullet hits and there is a moment of panic before he falls backward out of his chair, blown back by the sheer force that this holy relic, this holy weapon of Nepthysaket has delivered. You hear a scream from inside the armor of the Champion, the unnamed Champion next to you, as you feel him lunge forward with the flail as Weston Kirshel, The Smoke and the Suffering, is dead and flies backward. So this very large man with a flail is going to try and hit you and he will hit you. What would you like to do to get out of the way?
Jannes (01:30:50.283)
I think what he… as he's coming towards me with his flail, I mean, he's in a big suit of armour.
He is, yes. Full plate.
He is not really… like built to be going up against people who aren't armuored. So he's lumbering towards me and I have a rapier for a reason. I'm quick. And I think as he comes towards me, I wait and that very last minute I step aside and I… put my rapier in, try and put it in between the plates.
Yeah, okay. I'm gonna have you Tempt Fate here for that, because that sounds like a role that is not just inflicting violence. That is something that you are gonna have to call upon the fates for some aid for. So when you tempt fate with your actions, say what perilous feat you're trying to accomplish, which you just have, and roll 2d6. And we had run for each true statement. A skilled ally is lending you a hand?
You have no other options.
Yeah, I don't really have any other options.
Not at this point. So that's a plus one. And you're far from any God that wishes you harm. No, that place doesn't exist for you anymore. There is nowhere in the Cradle that is safe for you now.
I rolled two sixes plus one, so 13.
Oh my gosh. Okay, so on an overkill 10+, you triumph over this specific ordeal, but attract the attention of your enemies, and they react immediately. So you feel your rapier slip under the plate of the Champion, right up into where you know the liver and kidney are, and you jab your rapier in deep, feeling it slice effortlessly through mortal skin and flesh and you pull it and you see three more guards burst into the room having heard the scream. A horn starts a blast from inside the tent, from inside the camp. You have just killed the High Priest of a major God of the Seven and their Champion. And the rest of the army is coming after you now. Your cover has been blown.
You still have this divinity that you are able to escape with if you want. If there's some other havoc you'd like to cause here before you leave.
I think he would pull a sword out of the champion, sort of bring it up in front of his face, blood running down the blade, and he would look in the eyes of the three cards that have just burst in, and I think he would see one of them where there's a moment of recognition, not as Eutoches or a Godkiller, but as Inanis, someone he might have known or met.
And he would look them in the eye and he would say,
Jannes (as Inanis):
“When I've killed them all, maybe we can have a drink again.”
And he would flick the blood off the blade, sheath it, and crack. He's gone again.
You burst through the tent as if it is a breath and you take off running. The speed incredible as again you cut a straight line rather than a circumference and you feel yourself step out of the world that you left and into another and back into yours again. Crossing a barrier, crossing a divide that you had only just recently learned existed. Where do you run to?
I would... I would make my way back to the temple of Nepthysaket.
Just like you promised. You enter into the city of glass. Do you stop outside and walk in or do you run right back up the steps?
I think I just run right back to where I left. I think it's probably middle of the night at this point.
I would say by the time you got to just outside Striogax…
I say it's probably early morning.
It's about, I would say it's probably about five or six a.m. at this point.
Perfect. Catch them just in time for prayers.
You have traveled a couple weeks in a night. You walk up to the steps and slow slightly, maybe for just a brief second, remembering the slightest hint of propriety. The door still slightly ajar, and you walk inside, and you see probably… 60 to 80 priestesses in the pews, with High Priestess Verity Fall standing at the front giving morning prayers. They are in the middle of a hymn in the language that they share.
Just because I think he loves being cheeky with Verity, especially because she didn't trust him and then he kind of came through, he's gonna come in and pretend to be quite sheepish of like a, ooh, I've come at a bad time. He's gonna sort of sneak to the front of the pews right where she's standing and he's gonna…
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Keep going. It's all right. I'm just, um, I borrowed this,” and he's going to hold the gun. “I'll just, I'll leave it here. Um, I have some errands to run. I'll be back to see Katani. Keep going. Keep going. I don't want to interrupt.”
And then he will sort of try to get out.
As you... she does not stop singing. She to her credit keeps her metre. She does not lose a line of scripture. This is automatic at this point. These prayers she has been doing every day since she was a baby. She remembers.
What is her reaction when she sees that I have the gun that should be in her office?
Yeah, as she sees you place the gun down on one of the tables on the side, her eyes widen and she tries to cover it, and her eyes flick across the room.
I would follow where she looks.
You see Katani standing in the third back row on the left hand side and Katani's eyes look to you.
I would exit as close to where she is as I could.
I'd make my way, move, shuffle. “Oh, sorry. Sorry.” I get, get up next to her.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“What are you doing here?!”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Um, I had to return the gun. I borrowed it.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Inanis! Goodness.”
And she grabs your arm, and she drags you outside to the front of the temple.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Sorry, I had to return the gun.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“What do you mean you took the gun?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I didn't take it. I summoned it to me. I sent a message to Ashmedai.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“What did you do?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I removed Weston and Ashmedai’s Champion, from the board.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Oh, alright.:
Jannes (as Inanis):
“There cannot be this sort of aggression without a repercussion. He is not above that.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“The Lord of the Ninth will act swiftly. He will not be pleased at this.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I hope to have it all over before he can track me down.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“You know he cannot kill me, right? None of them can.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I do not care. The difference between them killing you or injuring you… both are unacceptable.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Every God has something that they hide from the other Gods. One thing that if known can be exploited. Some gods have their hubris. Some think that nothing can touch them. I think the only being who could truly understand what my downfall is, is you. So perhaps that is my gift to you.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I need to know what the downfall is of Archeveleon.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Do you trust me? I know there is much we have not said to each other but do you trust me?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I know you, and I trust you to be you. So in a way.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I suppose that will be enough for me. Come.”
She takes your hand and the two of you walk, in the early morning hours of midwinter in Glass. There is no snow here, but it is crisp and you can see your breath. You don't go far. You walk around the Chime itself on the opposing side of the heptagonal tower and you come to a temple front made of white marble with decor with the core of platinum and silver.
You go up to the front, knowing this to be the Augury, the Temple of Allseia. And you see that the door is barred.
Katani takes one look at the door, and says,
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“And now we walk.”
She takes your hand and she leads you through the door. She walks right in. You feel yourself move through the solid wood, anchored to her in a space you shouldn't be as you step through and almost solidify once more.
The inside of the temple is quiet. Katani leads you past a few rooms. And you see some of the Augers and Weavers, the acolytes and priests of Allseia, reading and writing silently. There is a hush over this temple. What should be abuzz with the sharing of knowledge and the seeking of insight and wisdom is quiet.
Katani leads you navigating through back hallways. A door stands ajar and you move through into what you think to be the center of the Chime itself - you see an impossibly high room. You cannot even see the ceiling, it is so high. You look down on the floor and you see a set of runes and glyphs. Katani looks at you.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Normally, I would be sparse, with the use of what I can do. But, desperate times. Plus it's nice to show off every now and again.”
She steps into the middle of the center. She extends her hands forward. And you don't see it, but you feel it lift you up from under your feet. As you feel a disc of sorts, rise up out of the rooms and glyphs on the ground and lift you hundreds of feet into the air, up, up. There is maybe six inches on either side of each of you to an unfathomable drop onto the stone floor.
Then you rise for about 500 feet in the air, which looks to be about two thirds of the way up the chime. The disc slowly rolls to a stop and starts to move horizontally over to a small platform that you can step off of.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Well, if you're looking for knowledge, it's here. There are certain things that even gods don't know.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Any advice where I should start?”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I should introduce you to Allayne.”
She steps off the platform, off the disc. And as you see her step off it, the disc starts to fade underneath you and she grabs both of your hands and pulls you onto the platform, onto solid footing.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Careful now. Don't slip.”
She leads you down a corridor and you enter into a library. You see a large library with what could be thousands of books. They're all bound in ivory leather bindings with no titles or information on their spines. They're all uniform on the shelves with no discernible difference between the one and the next. You see...
What you assume to be the Priestex, Allayne Ivanwood, sitting down at a table scribing in a book. Their short sleeved sage green robes banded with cornflower blue and silver. Their hair is gray and streaked with some of the same blue, shaved short at the sides with a soft wave on the top and at the back with small pointed ears, light brown skin, gray eyes, and you see runes tattooed on their neck of silver and platinum. And on the desk you see an open ledger that is blank and a quill next to it.
Em (as High Priestex Allayne Ivenwood, The Thread of Prophecy)
“Oh, uh, Katani, how did you get in here? It's, we've, we've barred the temple.”
Katani smiles, looking between yourself and Allayne.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“I understand, but I have someone who needs to talk to you and might need access to the Study.”
Elaine narrows their eyes for a moment.
Em (as Allayne):
“Who is this?”
And Katani looks to you.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Um, my name is Inanis.”
Em (as Allayne):
“And why should I let you have access to the study, Inanis?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
I look to Katani and sort of shoot her a look of… How much should I tell her?
Katani's eyes soften.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Tell them about where you were in their goddess's last moments. They deserve to know that much at least.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I was there when Allseia fell.”
Allayne stands, looking back and forth between you and Katani.
Em (as Allayne):
“When she died?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Yes. When she was attacked by Nyxal.”
Em (as Allayne):
“Did she suffer?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“She did not.”
Em (as Allayne):
“I've devoted my life to serving her. It has been my greatest joy.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“She is truly wonderful.”
Em (as Allayne):
“I first intuited at nine years old, saw something. For some it happens even earlier than that and I have been working here ever since. As the gods have fallen one by one, Allseia has seen to it to collect their knowledge here for use. Yides, the Arcanic. Xirsha, Mother Healer. And Izanye, the Knowing.
Every prophecy we are granted is written here to be kept. Our minds cannot contain the vastness of the Weave, so we simply translate it. Then we have helped our Reasoned Sister keep the metre.”
She looks down at the ledger.
Em (as Allayne):
“Knowledge given is knowledge granted. There is always a price.”
And as you look at the book written simply on the page, it says, Pose your Question.
He would take up the quill, I assume, and he would write: Where do I find Archeveleon?
The question remains on the page. And you know from what Allayne has said, to be granted this knowledge, you must give it something.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“When I give the knowledge, do I lose it forever?”
Allayne looks to you.
Em (as Allayne):
“Everything comes with a price. Your knowledge will be kept somewhere in these books.”
I think there's part of Inanis then.. just like he gave up that small part of himself to bring Katani back. He's starting to try and shed the things that tie him to wanting to not do this anymore.
And I think he writes in the book… a description of his mother's face. And as he finishes, I think he just says...
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Goodbye. I love you.”
What you remember of her features fade. You still remember her, but those won't ever come back. And words appear on the page below. And it says: The Empty god slumbers and dreams at the bottom of a well beneath the chasm of Lethe in the ruins of a temple in Barrencliff.
I would write in the book: What is his downfall?
And it waits, the ink drying as you think about what to give.
I would turn to Katani.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Write everything you know about me. And I promise you that I will come and tell you it all in person when I have dealt with it. But if I do not make it back, I do not want you to miss me.”
She would step forward, and take your hands. And look at you right in the eyes.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
[crying quietly] “You would ask me to give up my joy? My hope?
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I just… I don't want to hurt you.”
She leans forward, and she whispers in your ear, quietly enough so that Allayne does not hear her.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“The only thing that will kill me is a broken heart.”
As she walks forward, and takes the quill in her hand, and she begins to write. [voice shakes] She writes for a long time. You see tears streaming down her face, staining the ink on the book, page after page after page filled up.
As she places the quill down, there is a moment where I think you being as in touch with divinity as you are, you feel that distance between her and you grow. Something has been severed.
And she finishes writing and wipes her tears, and she looks to Allayne.
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Sometimes I get so lost in things. I must have come here to do some reading or something. I'm sorry, I'll…”
And she turns around to look at you, and she does not recognize you. Nothing. She says,
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Oh, I'm sorry, I'm in your way. Sorry, I'll, uh... I'll see myself out. A pleasure, Allayne. And my apologies, sir, for taking up so much time. Enjoy your reading.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Thank you.”
Em (as Katani/Nepthysaket):
“Of course. Go in Her Grace.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“And you in hers.”
[voice shaking] And she walks away back down the corridor.
Allayne looks at you. And there is such a sorrow in their eyes, and their jaw sets.
Em (as Allayne):
“I hope whatever you're doing is worth it because now you've left me with what you've done. And I will never be able to unknow that. And I will never be able to tell her about it.”
I think they would see so much pain in Inanis’ eyes. And he would just say...
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I have to believe it's worth it. I have to.”
And he would turn and look to read what it… [voice strained] the information that cost him everything.
Unbeknownst to you, there's a small drop of wetness that hits the book. Not of Katani’s but of your own. And from that, you see the moisture move through the page, and you see a dark black ink seep through.
And it says: The River will remain dry until the heavens fall and the hells freeze. If it is to open again and let the waters of its magic flow back into the world, the void will have its peace and no longer seek its own oblivion.
I think that Inanis would be taken back by the hopefulness of that. By the reference that it doesn't seem to end, that there's this sort of rebirth or a re-beginning.
And as you're grappling with that, one last line. It says: You must do this together. Or not at all.
And you know who that's about.
I think he would...
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Thank you and I am sorry that you had to be a part of that.”
Em (as Allayne):
“There is no apology in the world that could make up for what you just did to her.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“I protected her, the only way that I knew how.”
Em (as Allayne):
“If that's what lets you sleep at night.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
[scoffs] “Alright.”
Em (as Allayne):
“Are you planning to leave the city?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Yes, I have a journey to make.”
Em (as Allayne):
“In the interest of keeping my friends safe, let me expedite that process for you.”
Allayne gets up and they walk around the table. They walk back over, around towards the stacks.
Em (as Allayne):
“Follow me.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
And you go back to the platform where Katani brought you up to. And as you step over the edge, onto a disc that Allayne has there waiting for you, you hear her laughter.
You hear it ring up through the Chime. It echoes. Musical. Dulceted. Honeyed. And you know that laughter is not for you.
Allayne creates a platform, brilliant green as you step out onto it, saying nothing.
And you rise up, up - you reach a… probably as high as you can go in the Chime without being outside. Allayne steps off, and gestures to a circle on the floor.
Em (as Allayne):
“They're old, but they still work. Where are you going?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Barrencliff. I'm heading to Barrencliff.”
Allayne's eyes narrow at you.
Em (as Allayne):
“Well, there's no teleportation circle that still exists in Barrencliff. I can get you to Riese. That's as close as I can go.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Alright, I appreciate it.”
Riese being your home city, where you were born, under the purview of Tenebe, the Gloaming Dusk and the guardian of the dark of the moon.
Elaine gives you one last hardened look with a nod.
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Before I go, I have one last question for you.”
Em (as Allayne):
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Do you know who I am?”
Em (as Allayne):
Jannes (as Inanis):
Em (as Allayne):
“Should I?”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“If you did, you might not judge me so.”
Wou see a kind of a shrug of their shoulders. And you're pretty sure that there's probably nothing that you could say… they seem to be the person that once they have made their mind up about something, that that’s about that.
You hear a soft chanting begin and Allayne shoots you one last look.
Em (as Allayne):
“Stand in the center. Don't do anything stupid. It's gonna feel like your stomach's dropping out of your feet. It's not pleasant.”
Jannes (as Inanis):
“Alright, thank you.”
Em (as Allayne):
Jannes (as Inanis):
“A familiar sensation.”
A wind begins to pick up around you and swirl at your feet. You hear the Chimes start to ring. Sing again. You feel yourself with that familiar feeling, except there is no nausea that accompanies it. It's as if your weight simply falls away. You feel yourself drift, circle, whirl into nothing, and then you rocket across the sky of the Valley, whipping to what you hope to be Riese. As you fly, you hear that cracking sound again, the same one when you awakened your divinity and shifted between what you think might be different planes. And you watch as in the distance, the mountains of the east begin to rumble and shake. You watch as they begin to shift, moving as if pushed and rotated with the Valley staying stable. The ground shifts again and you watch a seam form above the mountain range.
The peaks move at odd angles and for a moment reflect the sky above before you blink and they return to where they were once more. Another crash of what you hope is thunder rings in the distance behind you. As you hurtle through the sky, the wisps of the River seem closer to you than ever. You could almost reach it. You could almost reach out and touch them.
You're trying to get your bearings as you hurtle towards Riese. You feel yourself blipping in and out and in and out - that liminal feeling of passing through divides that no mortal should pass through. But you are not any mere mortal.
As you try and get your bearings hurtling towards Riese, you hear the sound of a simultaneous rushing alongside you with a final crack. And you see another stream of wind moving at the same pace as you, in the same direction as you. You rush faster, faster, to the point where everything is a blur and you land with a thud on the stone floor of a teleportation circle in what you hope is Riese.
As you lie on your back, coughing and panting to catch your breath, you hear the sound of someone wheezing to gather air in their lungs. You look to your right, and you see Plenus, flesh and blood, lying next to you.
[‘Something & Nothing: Inanis’ Theme begins, composed by Sean McRoberts]
Godkiller: Oblivion is performed by Em Carlson, Christian Navarro & Jannes Wessels. Special thanks to our campaign artist, Mischi. You can find her at @Mischiart on Twitter, as well as to Sean McRoberts, for our composing ‘Something & Nothing’, our main theme for this episode. Music and effects by Epidemic Sound. For more stories, come follow us everywhere at @blackwaterdnd, and be sure to check out our Main Campaign on Monday nights at 8pm PST at twitch.tv/blackwaterdnd. To play your own campaign of Godkiller and dive into your own divinity, go support Godkiller by purchasing the ashcan on itch.io today. This show is made possible by our patrons, and sponsors who graciously support us playing pretend and having feelings about it. You too can come join us on Patreon, where you can check out behind the scenes info, our talkback show Chatwater, as well as exclusive series like this one! Head on over to patreon.com/blackwaterdnd for all the info. See you next time, heretics, and to all the gods out there, be safe!