Godkiller: Oblivion - ARC 3, PART 2: Redeemer
Welcome to BlackwaterDnD, where good friends tell better stories. This series, Oblivion, is an eleven part miniseries using the Powered by the Apocalypse system, Godkiller, which was created by Connie Chang, now available on Itch.io for purchase. Our story tells a tale of the end of all things, and follows one prophesized soul who challenges the shackles of fated and foretold divinity. This story is our love letter to fearless storytelling, passionate vulnerability, and incredible creators who challenge us to bring our best selves to the table. For this story, your GOD, everyone else, and the thrum of the Cradle, is myself, Em Carlson, and my GODKILLER is played by Jannes Wessels and Christian Navarro. As this game falls within a holypunk and dark fantasy genre, it may contain themes and depictions that are triggering for some listeners. Please take care of yourself and access support as you see fit.
Content warnings for this episode include:
Heartbreak // romance // grief // sacrifice // fantasy violence // guns as weapons // rejection // religious overtones // unsafe water // power dynamics and struggle // strong language // death // complicated relationships // wounds and body injury
So sit back and relax, heretic. And welcome to Godkiller: Oblivion
Your eyes flutter open inside the cart helmed by Drifter Ryland Arno of Soevan and his paladins, transporting medicine to Glass from the city of Hood, after having found you weary and beleaguered on the side of the road after your confrontation with Nixal - cursing her to find and protect Inanis. Your senses are swimming, as if trying to pull yourself out of the fog of sleep with some great difficulty. You suspect that there's a reason that many of the holy folk of Soevan spend so much of their time asleep. You hear the rain beating down on the covered carriage, feeling the soft plush under your body and head.
You feel rested. A bit groggy, but well and truly rested. Your bones do not ache nor grind. The muscles that had felt strained after you lay on the forest floor near the Lake of Portent for a few months no longer twinge as you begin to sit up. You clock the hushed tones of Arno as he dismisses the paladins out, and you see them exit the wagon to begin taking the medicine into the city to distribute amongst the healers and clerics of the major temples here in Glass.
He looks over to you and manages to catch your eye as they slowly blink open.
Em (as Drifter Ryland Arno):
“Ah, I see you're awake. I trust your rest was well.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Well, I feel rested, but it wasn't restful. But I can see the allure. Are we here yet? Have we arrived?”
Em (as Arno):
“We have, yes. You slept most of the journey. And did you find what you were looking for after your meeting with Mother?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Well, yes and no. But I'm finding that that's how these things go. Wouldn't you say?”
Em (as Arno):
“I understand. It has been some time since I have returned to the Dreamscape. I find that you either pick one side or the other, and many of my siblings have chosen the Dreamscape while I remain here.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“That was my first time, but I feel as if many people, myself included, live a sort of waking dream sometimes, avoiding… Action. Truth. It's hard to wake up.”
Em (as Arno):
“It is much easier to stay ignorant and asleep. Hm.”
Christian (as Plenus):
Em (as Arno):
“I will be staying in the small temple to Soevan in the second ring. It is not much, but you are welcome there anytime if you need.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Likewise, I am grateful for you having provided safe passage and the experience of having spoken to… Mother as you call her.”
Em (as Arno):
“It is the least I can do. And here.”
He reaches into his robes and pulls out what looks to be the remainder of that small vial of drift.
Em (as Arno):
“You can apply it to yourself if you need to. However, if you choose to apply it on someone else, it does not work if they are not willing to go.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Understood. Thank you.”
Em (as Arno):
“A small token, to remember your time with us.”
I nod my head and I will make my way out of that sort of caravan.
Okay, where are you headed at this point?
Well, where have we landed? When I step out of the caravan and I sort of am stretching and feeling, is it daytime?
It is. It is about midday as you walk away from the cart and you are actually at the Southeast gate of the city, the one you left from when you were leaving towards The Foales however many months ago. The cart seems to have retraced the journey and dropped you back exactly where you were.
Well… I imagine I'm getting my bearings because the sun at midday is probably quite stark and brutal on my eyes at the moment, so I'm sort of squinting and getting my bearings and I immediately that sort of peacefulness that came with the rest, true rest, has disarmed me a bit and I stiffen up and I'd like to sense if there is a god in the vicinity because I was told to be aware. And I wanted I wanted reach out and feel for anything that isn't foreign to this city.
Hmm. Okay. Would you like to use a move to do that? Feel Someone or Something Out would probably be the best one here.
So yeah, I guess Feel Someone or Something Out is probably general enough for something like this.
Okay, so to Feel Someone or Something Out, when you try and feel out a person, place, or thing, say what you want clarity about and answer one. The GM will give you the clarity you seek as they answer the other. So you're seeking clarity about what has changed and shifted, or if there's something to be aware of in the city. And the two questions that I have here are, what feels welcoming on the surface, or what feels dark and unnerving as I peer deeper? Which one would you like to answer?
So what feels welcoming is as I stand there and I squint and I take a moment for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight, the smell of the city hits me. It's a unique smell. It's something different from the road and from the caravan and from the travel. It smells like home. And that is welcoming to me. And that could also be disarming to me.
As you breathe, yeah, as you breathe in the smell, this familiar scent that rolls through the city, it is almost clearing for a moment. There is rain, but it is quite bright out, a bright overcast. And as you walk through the outer ring into the fourth district, the clouds begin to burst with a downpour. You are drenched before you even start.
And what is unnerving as you peer deeper, as you start looking for the differences, the changes in the City of Glass, as you move through and return for the first time - you notice that it's quiet. It's midday. And it might be because of the quick change in weather, but you notice that there is very little activity in the streets. And many of the shops and taverns that would normally have a crowd in there. Many of the shops and taverns that would normally have a small crowd in there are empty and some are even barred closed. What would you like to do?
I think instinctively, yeah, I think instinctively as I'm sort of taking that in, I've been letting my feet lead me, and so I feel as if I would have ended up in front of my home. And I clock the sort of emptiness of the streets and the desolation. It feels desolate at a moment and it shouldn't. And I wonder, does it feel like death? Is there that sort of cloud hanging over this place? Does it feel like… I imagine I've seen what it feels like when a lot of people die in a town, you know, from a disease or from a war. Does it feel like that?
It does not feel like death. Death feels like the end of an exhale. Death is the silence at the end of a long, slow exhale. This is a breath held. It is like the city is waiting for something. It is like there is a tension. There is a feeling of being on edge, as if something could shift at any moment.
As I make my way up the stairs to my apartment, to my home, I wonder to myself if this is perhaps unnatural, the work of, or supernatural, the work of one of the Pantheon. I sort of ponder that as I climb the stairs, again kind of letting my feet lead me, and as I get to the landing and I see my door in the frame… I imagine Katani leaving it and it pauses me there. It stops me.
Christian (as Plenus):
“You're an idiot. You're an idiot.”
And I pushed the door open and do I see? What do I see? It's been quite a while.
You see your apartment exactly as you left it. You still see the remnants of the shattered plate on the floor, those few pieces of terracotta or porcelain that you didn't pick up. You see your sheets slightly amiss from where you curled on them last time, not having the wherewithal to make your bed before you essentially fled your apartment after your argument with Katani. Windows are closed. There has been nobody here since you left.
I go through the windows and I open them and I let air in. And I go to the glass, the terracotta that's shattered on the floor, what's left of it, and I calmly and concisely pick it up, making sure not to cut myself, and making sure that I get all of it this time. And I toss it and I make my bed.
And when I'm done making it, I stand over for a while and I... I really wish I could get into my bed. And... And rest, truly, for a bit. But... But I can't. And I know I can't. And I... I can't even tell you why I wanted to come back here. Because I don't know. He doesn't know. It just felt important to… to come back here feeling differently than when I left because… That energy seems so foreign to him now.
And I think I make a tea, actually. And I sit at the table and I think about what I'm going to do next, because there's been so much information. There have been so many ideas, there have been so many truths. And… this sort of ritual is a peacefulness for him in this moment, and a way to recollect his thoughts or collect his thoughts.
As you sit at the table once the kettle has boiled, your tea steeping, you see the steam rise up in its swirls and you see it move towards the open window, gently moving along a breeze - a small bit of wind, air moving through and cleaning out the staleness of this apartment. And it's then that you notice that despite it being midday, you do not hear the Chime itself, that soft musical sound that tends to play when wind or weather moves through it. You don't hear the bells of the temples. And that, as you sit now in contemplation, strikes you as truly unnerving.
I force myself to finish the glass of tea in my hand, the cup of tea - because as I have that realization it's a panic because that's not supposed to happen. It's not supposed to be that way and I recognize it but I am going to have this tea and I'm going to bring out my sometimes painful hands that feel lighter since waking from the rest. And when I've had my tea, I will clean my area and put everything back as it was, make sure it's neat. And I will then steel myself at the door. Because this time I'm leaving my home, this place that has taken care of me really. And I have a different relationship to it because I've now seen the earth and the water and the air take care of me. There's this understanding now that it's...
that there's an energy and a relationship there and I want to somehow… thank this space and I convey that as best I can with my energy as I'm leaving. But that shifts pretty quickly because this is wrong, the Chime not being on, not hearing it - and I don't think there are coincidences so I'm going to make my way towards… towards the Chime.
And this time as I traverse the city, I am on guard and vigilant. I'm going to be paying close attention to that.
So you walk through the city, keeping your guard up more than you normally do, which is saying something. Generally as we approach the center district, the center ring of Glass, the busier the city gets, and while there are certainly some people moving about the streets, it is a fraction of what it should be - and you do not hear any conversation or whispers as to why this is the case. A few people remark that it's certainly quiet today. Another says, “Oh, it must be because of the rain.”
Well, is there anyone, this is home and I am known for my work at the very least, is there anyone that I recognize in the streets? Anyone familiar to me in any adjacent sort of way?
Yeah, I would say as you walk towards the center ring, you probably walk through the merchant district, and there would be a couple shopkeepers that you would have written missives for - potentially a jeweler or a blacksmith or a butcher or a grocer. There would be people you would know here if you wanted to talk to somebody.
I think that there is a florist that I know, Orloch, and I've written a missive or two for him. And I think I will sort of… without drawing any added attention to myself, I will walk up to him and I would do something that I wouldn't have done, you know, in my mind a few days ago, but what has actually been months. I reach out and I grab his forearm because these hands that I've only trained to write, I'm realizing that they can do more and I think.
Touching is something I haven't ever done, but there's something I want to convey to him, which is that I am not a threat, and that he is okay in this moment, and I try to convey that as I touch him, and I say,
Christian (as Plenus):
“Orlok, I've been gone for a while. Things seem... different, friend. What's happened here?”
You enter into his florist shop and move right up to the desk and as he is arranging a simple set of greenery and white flowers, lilies, baby's breath, um, you see some white peony in there as well. And you reach out and take his forearm, he doesn't startle, especially as your voice accompanies it, and he looks up at you, listening intently to what you say, and...
Em (as Orloch):
“Plenus, It has been some time. I'm not sure. The... The Chime has been silent for... maybe a couple weeks now. Some of the temples have stopped giving service, and people have stopped gathering. There was supposed to be a festival in two weeks, to celebrate the coming of winter, but that has been apparently put off and cancelled. There is not much being said from the speakers, but people have been told to go about their business. But everything has been quiet.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Tell me what temples are active. If some have gone dark as you say, there are others that are still operational?”
He takes a look out the window and as you follow his gaze you can see that his shop like leads essentially a straight shot down the road towards the Chime. You're not far from it now. He opposes, his shop opposes the temple to Vosh - Vosh the Eversworn. She is the goddess of bravery and courage, considered a wartime goddess.
Em (as Orloch):
“There has been some activity from the temple to Vosh. There were a group of, it looked like, high ranking soldiers or warriors of, I'm not sure, but I think it was Halinaea. Their armor was quite brilliant and bright.
The temple to Nephthyseket, Temple Lybica, is open as always. It never closes, no matter what time of day, but you know that. And I have heard nothing much from the Augury. It is usually them that give many of the weekly updates or town, uh… information in the square but there has been nothing from them in a couple weeks.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Well… Thank you, friend.”
Em (as Orloch):
“Of course.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I-I-I trust you've been... well, you've kept yourself as well as... possible.”
Em (as Orloch):
“I've been doing all right. The flower business tends to dry up around the winter as many of the plants return to seed, but I managed to save some and have been working on preserving some. Are you in need of a bouquet?”
And I will push aside my robes and fish for a few pieces of monies. And I will put them on the counter and slide them toward him. Or in fact, I will open his palm and I'll place them in the center of his palm and I'll say,
Christian (as Plenus):
“Orloch, see to it that… A bouquet of your winter flowers are delivered to my home.”
Em (as Orloch):
“Of course. It will be a beautiful one, I promise, Plenus.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“It’s good to see you.”
And I clap him on the cheek.
He smiles. It's a small gesture of familiarity, but comfort. And he seems genuinely pleased by your visit.
I smile as we exchange this moment, Orloch and I, because it's new for me too. But it's right. And I turn to go and I steel myself at the doorframe once more because I know where I have to go. I have to go see Katani. Or hope to see her, at the Temple Lybica, so I will make my way towards there quickly.
Ok. It's not far from here. You approach the Chime and maneuver your way around the heptagonal base with each of the temples of the Major Seven occupying one side of this colossal, colossal structure.
You approach Temple Lybica - its architecture differentiating from the rest of the Chime and other temples with sandstone and obsidian standing in sharp contrast to the reflective and more seemingly fragile surface of the taller structure.
You remember learning a little about the history of the priestesses of Nepthysaket: blessed firstborn daughters of the desert. All with horns and sharp defined features. All with eyes that reflect the mysteries of what lies beyond the mortal coil. All with kindness and patience that extend far beyond their years. Still following the traditions from days long, long ago; young babies placed on the steps and taken in to grow in the light of Her Grace.
The temple doors are slightly ajar, as always, no matter what time of day. You step inside, and this is not the first time you've been in the temple by far. Simple pews of dark wood line the inner chapel with mosaic and relief depicting prayer and scripture from the holy texts of Nephthysaket.
You see at the back, behind the more ornate altar and dais, a large pool of a white water, which you know to be called the Almuit Althani, or the Second Sea. Katani translated it for you. You don't know why it's called this, but that the water or whatever liquid it is has healing properties. Your eyes catch it and it ripples calmly, flanked by trees and flora absolutely not native to this part of the Cradle. Large palm-like trees with green black leaves with hanging large fruit in shades of orange and red and scarlet.
People come to this temple to seek solace, find refuge from the unknown of what comes after death, or to spend the last of their days in a way that is under their control. Shepherded by the priestesses here, despite the unease of outside, there is this divine sense of calm that resonates as you walk through the doors. You cannot help but feel it.
Something occurs to me as I walk through the doors and I see the Second Sea. And… Is there anyone else in this inner temple?
You see there are a few priestesses and acolytes milling around. You hear echoing from down the halls, the sound of midday prayers, which, you know, it was about that time as Katani was quite, um, pious and kept to her prayer schedule.
Um, there is no current service, but there rarely is with the priestesses of Nephthysaket. It is a worship that happens at any time with there always being someone to speak to. If you wished it.
How close is one allowed to get to the Second Sea?
You would know that it is part of larger rituals. You remember Katani talking about the first time she swam in it as part of a ritual that marked her coming of age and her fully taking her rights as a priestess. You've seen it used to exponentiate healing properties. It seems to… make them more powerful or to quicken a healing process. You would know that few outsiders, or what Katani would have called Asjnab,i are allowed to swim in the pool. It is only under invitation or exceptional circumstance.
I make my way as close as I can to it and try and peer in, into the liquid itself. And as one of the priestesses approaches, I will just politely ask.
Christian (as Plenus):
“Pardon me, but do you know where I can find the Lady Katani? It is urgent.”
You see a small dark brown skinned girl come up to you. She might be about 15 or 16, equivalently. She has a purpley brown hair that is in a loosely tied together braid. She wears acolytes robes and her horns almost look like deer antlers. She had moved towards you seeing you stand beside the pool, potentially here to offer information or guidance or to answer questions as she is supposed to do, especially in training as an acolyte. And as you turn to her and you inquire about Katani, you see a small look of panic cross her face in her eyes before she can stifle it, despite it not reaching the rest of her face.
I think in that moment, as I see the panic, again I'll reach for her forearm and I'll say,
Christian (as Plenus):
“It's okay. Whatever it is, it's okay.”
Em (as Miza):
“Um, I need to go get the High Priestess.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Very well. Would it be okay if I accompanied you?”
Em (as Miza):
Um, sure. Oh, yeah, okay. Um, come with me this way, sir.”
Em: And... she drops her eyes and almost just turns heel and starts walking. It seems very much a... you're an intuitive person. It seems very much like a rehearsed thing. That... she was told go get the high priestess and she is doing what she was told. She leads you down a series of hallways until you get to a large mahogany door. It is rich with carvings and gilded in gold with a large knocker and handle and she wraps on the door a couple times.
Em (as Miza):
“Um, High Priestess? It's Miza. There's someone here looking for Katani.”
You hear some shuffling behind the door and the door clicks open and swings inward. And you see standing there High Priestess Verity Fall, who you had seen speak in the square. She meets your height, maybe a touch taller. She has long white hair that is worn simply and down, which cascades around gold and black robes, not as opulent as you have seen her in, but still very much designating her as the High Priestess and essentially the Speaker of Nephthysaket. Her horns are also mahogany, matching the shade of the door, which are in contrast to the bright gold of her eyes as she looks to meet you.
Em (as Verity Fall):
“You're here to see Katani. May I ask who you are and what your business is?”
I bow, deeply, the event not being lost on him, that she is the High Priestess. And I meet her gaze and I say,
Christian (as Plenus):
“I am her friend first and foremost. And, I see no reason to stand on ceremony. Have you heard of the Godkiller?”
Her eyes go wide and she shoots a look towards Miza, the small priestess standing next to you.
Em (as Verity)
“Go now, say nothing.”
Miza nods and almost as if she could disappear she is gone. Verity grabs your arm, she pulls you into the room and shuts the door behind you.
Em (as Verity):
“What are you talking about? Why do you come into this temple and speak of this? Who are you and what do you want?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I want to speak with Katani.”
Em (as Verity):
And you come in here saying, Godkiller? Why should I not kick you out of this temple right now? All of my priestesses are at risk if you come in here speaking that. Why should I not kick you out right now? You have one second to tell me.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I mean, you're no harm, High Priestess. Nor any of your charges. But I've somehow lost time already and I seek a better way, an alternative, but I should not lie to you.
I am one half of the twin-souled foretold in the prophecy. This is new to me - because of this discovery, because of the time that I lost the medicine that was supposed to arrive in the city, was much delayed and I fear it has caused irreparable damage to the city of Glass. I don't know how much time I have left, but I know that Katani is a part of this. And now you are a part of this.”
Verity moves across the room. She keeps her face to you. She does not turn her back. And you watch her walk over to a cabinet on the side of the room. You see in this cabinet, probably the first time you've ever seen one: you see a firearm. You see a gun - you see a beautiful ornate pistol with bone inlay in the handle crafted with a dark pewter metal and inside it is a shining deep purple black crystal. Verity places her hand on a lock that you see unlatch. She opens the case and she grabs the pistol. She brings it to her side. It looks natural in her hand.
Em (as Verity):
“You’re saying Katani is involved in the Godkiller prophecy?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I'm saying, Katani is in love with the Godkiller, and I in love with her. But… High Priestess, I seek counsel with the woman I love. And then I will leave.”
Em (as Verity):
“I may need you to answer some questions before you go.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Where is she?”
Em (as Verity):
“I will take you to her. If you do anything to hurt her, you will be dead before you can hit the floor. Do you understand?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I do.”
You see her move towards her desk, and she takes out what look to be bullets. And she opens the pistol and she loads them into the gun with… it is as if she is brandishing a sword with the level of finesse that she loads this weapon. Once the bullets are loaded into this pistol, it radiates divinity from her hand. You can feel it. It’s like it interacts with your own divinity and there is a palpable shift in the room of power recognizing power. You see her carry it in her hand, steady and strong.
Em (as Verity):
“Follow me.”
I... I nod my head, but as I do so, I very slowly... ..move my garments back so that she sees that I am armed, that I have my weapon. I will slowly pull the weapon out and offer it to her.
You’re offering her your knife?
Christian (as Plenus):
“As a gesture of goodwill, High Priestess, I mean you no harm.”
Considering what you've said, the title you've put on yourself, and now seeing the confirmation of the knife in your hand. She is attempting to remain placid, but there is a rage. There is a disgust. There is a fear… simmering just below the surface.
Am I keen on these things? Am I attentive to it?
Yeah, you see them. She's so activated that it is…The normal stoic visage of High Priestess Verity Fall is having a hard time keeping it together, especially now that you've taken out your knife.
I say, yes, as I see that I say,
Christian (as Plenus):
“Verity. I am just as scared. I am just as disgusted. I… I feel utterly alone in this world.”
Em (as Verity):
“ I am of the firm belief, as is her Grace’s teachings, that everyone is deserving of a good life and a good death. But if what they say is true about you… about what this Godkiller is supposed to do… that is so far from anything good and balanced.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I agree.”
Em (as Verity):
She walks past you, leaving the knife in your hand.
I tuck it away. And I follow.
She carries the gun outright. She is like holding it in her hand as she's walking down the hallway. She leads you through a series of hallways with many closed doors. You pass by younger acolytes and priestesses. You hear the low musical sound of midday prayer, remembering their harmony as you'd heard Katani go through them many times.
Your mind flashes back in a moment where, in the middle of lunch at your apartment, Katani had to stop for prayer, leaving her soup go cold before she returned to it with much chiding and teasing from you.
Verity stops outside a door at the end of a hall. The hardened look of the High Priestess meets you for a moment and there is, amidst the swirling of pointedly negative emotions in your direction, you see a flash of sympathy, of care, and of condolence.
Em (as Verity):
“When we found her, it was almost too late. We have tried everything we can.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“What are you talking about?”
Em (as Verity):
“If you care about her as much as you say you do, and this is your fault, you’ll figure it out.”
She leads you into the room. You see a simple bedroom. A double bed with light linen sheets. A small dresser in the corner. A few hooks on the wall. Each holding sets of priestess robes. One or two more opulent than the others. You see a simple vanity with a mirror, a chair at the bedside. What hits you though is the smell of sulfur, and burning, as if a match has just been struck and then quickly put out.
Katani is on her back, asleep within the sheets. Her face is placid, but twitches slightly. You can see that she's likely had a fever and it's broken a few times. Her hair is a mess. She's wearing a simple black shift and she is tucked in under the sheets. Verity stands between you and Katani, allowing you to enter the room.
Christian (as Plenus):
“What is wrong with her? What, what, what is that smell?”
Em (as Verity):
“We found her late at night, on the front steps of the temple. And there was just so much blood.”
Christian (as Plenus):
Em (as Verity):
“She had been stabbed in the stomach. With something curved, it seems to be the shape of a horn, or… it does not look like a blade, we are uncertain what it was. The weapon was gone, as was the assailant, but the wound will not heal. Despite the fact that we have tended to her internal organs, it seems to burn her, taking her with fever more often than we can manage to handle. We have at least one of us tending her around the clock. But we are just waiting now. There is not much else we can do.”
I think, I think there's an intensity in his eyes that she sees in anger, and if it were possible to feel the air electrify, she would.
The hair probably stands up on the back of her neck.
I think so. They probably stand up on the back of his as well because these, these new powers are, in a way uncontrollable… sometimes. And the rage that he's feeling at this very moment is uncontrollable, but he's trying. And he says through gritted teeth,
Christian (as Plenus):
“High Priestess, do you recognize this as a sign of some other God or Goddess?”
Em (as Verity):
“We are uncertain. I'll show you the wound, if that would help at all.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“No, not yet. Let me… Could I have a moment with her alone first?”
Seeing that what I'm assuming is tenderness and concern and care and rage cross your face… There’s a reason High Priestess Verity Fall is in the position she is in. She’s wise, she’s kind, she is compassionate, and she is pious. She wants to give you that minute of peace with her, with Katani… and fight those instincts of protectiveness.
Em (as Verity):
“The door must remain ajar. And I will stand right outside.”
He nods, but he conveys his respect and his gratefulness in that nod. It's a slow “thank you” of a nod.
Em (as Verity):
“Just, please let her rest and be gentle with her if she wakes. She woke from a nightmare about two days ago in a panic, trying to get out of bed and she started to run down the hallway before she collapsed again and the infection has spread ever since. She was rambling about The Foales… that she needed to get to The Foales immediately. The rest we were unable to make out.”
Does that register to me at all, The Foales?
You were on your way to The Foales, when you left.
Verity gives you a stern look once more, releasing the safety, essentially, on the gun. As she stands, she leaves the room, and pulls the door slightly, leaving it about an inch open. As you turn to see Katani, I’m going to have you roll to Recognize a God.
When you roll to recognize the signs or the influence or the presence of a God of the Cradle, roll 2d6. We're gonna add one for each true statement. You're in or near their domain: Yes. You're familiar with their gospel: Yes. It would be bad if you didn't know: Yes. So whatever you roll, add plus three to that.
I rolled a 4 and a 2 for 6, plus 3… so 9.
Okay, on a nine, the GM will give you a clear interpretation of the omens. You may ask the GM a single follow-up question of your choosing and they must answer honestly.
As you see Katani lying in bed, a woman that you have known so well in so many different ways. As her face moves slightly in her sleep, you see from her hair in place of where the horns were - you see small, black, furred pointed ears - like that of a cat. You would lose them if you weren't looking for them.
You see, as your eyes trail down to her face, that half of it, almost diagonally, is heavily scarred. It does not undermine her beauty at all - it's just different. You've never seen it before. And as you look over on the bedside, past what seemed to be more sharpened features, very angular, stunning…
You see a half mask on the bedside table, gold, gilded, and it seems to outline the face of a cat. And you blink again, and it's gone. You see the goddess Nephthysaket in the bed in front of you. Just as Inanis suggested.
Christian (as Plenus):
“He was right. He was right.”
Do they know? Does the High Priestess know?
Do you ask this to Katani? Or to the room?
You wait, as if hoping the room will gived you an answer, but it doesn’t come. Katani seems to be stuck in some sort of slumber, perhaps fever induced, perhaps medicinally induced. You’re not sure. Do you approach the bed?
Just so I'm clear, when I turned back to her, I saw the goddess Nephthysaket instead of Katani?
It seems like the form of Katani is… would be a cover or a glamour of some kind to make her seem like she could easily fit in amongst the priestesses here.
Right, so, but am I looking at Katani and this goddess, or has Katani's features shifted to me to become clear that it's Nepthysaket?
In that moment where you truly saw her, it was as if you could look past this glamour. You could look past this illusion that she presents and carries herself. The visage that she carries to mask herself faded for a moment.
So I was speaking to her, but she just can't respond to me.
At least not like this. That doesn't mean you probably couldn't wake her, but you haven't yet.
Right, right.
What would you like to do?
Well, I will approach her. I want to sort of whisper into her ear if I can.
You lean down and you are just flooded with her smell. Floral and spice. A little bit of sweat. And some lavender. Seems like the sheets were rinsed in it.
I whisper into her ear:
Christian (as Plenus):
“I am so very sorry, Katani. You must have always known. And you stood firm. If you can, tell me what you would have me do. I will stand firm. Now.
And I’ll kiss her cheek.
I'm going to have you do the move, connect with someone here. So when you try and connect with someone, tell them something intimate, which you just did. And you can answer one of these questions. The GM will reveal a fragment of their pain as they answer the other. So the two questions are, what common ground do we share, and the other question is, what still divides us? And you can choose which one of those to answer.
I think it's common ground. And I think that there's an understanding now that wasn't there, that is. I love Nepthysaket. Katani. I've always loved her. But Inanis is in love with her. And I know that now, and she knows that, and there's common ground there. This relationship, I believe, is... different now. Refined. Heightened. I am her protector because I am his protector now.
And maybe it's always been that way. And maybe she's always known. As I've always felt, she's always been one step ahead.
I’ll answer the other question: what still divides you? As you kiss her cheek, you almost feel her relax into it, intuitively, and your divinity here in the room is so present with hers, that you can feel that what still divides you is the origins of your divinity. That the sources of your power are so different. Yet, that common ground of understanding is still the same.
And as she leans into you, you kind of feel, you're close enough, you feel her eyelashes blink and flutter against your skin as she slowly comes to consciousness.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
Christian (as Plenus):
“Yes. I'm so sorry.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“What are you doing here? Why are you here?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I saw you. I saw you in a dream, in a vision, I felt you.
I met him. I knew I had to come back to you.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Met who? Which him are you talking about?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Inanis. My brother.”
You see a twinge of pain in her eyes as you mention his name.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Oh, I understand. I’m sorry… you should not have come back for me.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Nepthysaket. Was it my brother that stabbed you?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“No, no.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Oh, good. Who.. who did it?”
Em (as Nepthysaket):
“At least… I did not see who, but I smelled this burning smell. They called my name, Katani, and as I turned I was held by someone and then felt a searing pain in my stomach. I must have collapsed, I don't remember anything else until I woke up in here. It must have been a week or two later.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Who would want you dead?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I... I do not wish to be anybody's executioner. That is not my role here.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“No, it is mine. Is it not? Have you not known all this time?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I... I knew you were Eutoches when I walked up to you the first time. I did not know you were the Godkiller until I spoke to Allseia after she died. I've taken it upon myself to seek out every Eutoches I could find, trying to bring companionship and friendship. That there is beauty in life and beauty in a simple death and that could be enough. I wanted to show you that there was more than the end.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“You have. You have in a thousand ways. You have.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I never wanted to hide from you. I was worried that if you knew that I knew, you would have left sooner. And after what happened last time I saw you…”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I had just killed a man. A Eutoches.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I know. I carried his soul to the river.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Of course you did. I don't want to be this thing. The High Priestess, she mentioned you woke once or twice and that you were running towards something, towards somewhere. What is it that you want, that you need? Can I help?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I was coming to find you. I only recently became aware, I think, that there are two sides to this. I am one and also two, but unlike you, and Inanis, my sides are the same. Perhaps everyone is like that in some way. Who knows what moment split us from our other. What prompted this, but I feel the other part of me now that I know.
I was coming for you both, I think. I didn’t have my faculties with me and did not make it far.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Well, what would you have me do?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Where is he? Where are you going? Will you go?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I am of a few minds, I think. I must go to The Augury, to seek information. I want to know if there's another prophecy, a conflicting prophecy or an alternative prophecy, something... something else in the annals. I want to go to him, to help him.
Can I confess something to you, Katani?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Of course.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I fear Inanis will do what it is that he must. He has a purpose, and he will see that purpose fulfilled. And it means the end of all. And I know a truth that I shouldn't know now. I know that she is alive, in some other world, some other place… she is alive.
I would not… I would not see her go again, if for nothing else. She… she is worth stopping this. She must be, and every other person on this planet, every other person here has someone like that and for them it is worth stopping.
And I think the only way to stop him is… is to cease. That you would guide me across the River, Nepthysaket, before he has the opportunity to fulfil his purpose, our purpose.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“You want me to kill you?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“If we cannot find an alternative, another way to stop Archeveleon… I would choose life. Wouldn't you? Even if that meant one death?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I couldn’t, and I say that not because.. I would do anything for you, but I cannot. The nature of my role prevents me from taking life. Allseia was unable to intervene, simply to read the Weave. I ferry death. I do not bring it. I’m sorry.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“That's neither here nor there. It does not prevent me from taking my own life.”
She takes your hand. The grasp is weaker than you remember. You have held Katani’s hand many times.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“You spoke of her. You never told me her name, but I… after I felt my other half, the other side of myself, I was able to put some pieces together. I remember her. On this side. I never wanted to be compared to her. Not with you. But, if she lives, in another space, another time, I… I have only just become aware of the existence of the other part of myself, as have you. There could be a way to access her. I do not know.
I have spoken to Allseia. She speaks highly of you, and of Inanis. I think the RIver is a bridge of some kind. What separates you and Inanis. What separates both sides.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I mustn't be allowed to cross over... Katani. If… if I am able to go there… I would never let anything happen to her.
I would.. I would stop Inanis if I had to. “
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I know.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“No, I think it's best that she be unaware of me entirely, and I stop him in my own way from here, but… I can't see myself being on the same plane as her in any way and not wanting to be with her.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I understand.”
She reaches her hand up, the other one that is not intwined with yours and gently cups the side of your face. It looks like it’s taking all of her strength to do so.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I have cared for you, and care you for. And that will always be true.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“And I you, friend, I have loved you. I cannot deny what is true. My heart has always belonged to her.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“And mine to him. And yet here we are, stuck in the center. Separated both from the things that we want.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“It is quite awful, isn't it?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I am.. Only vaguely aware of what is happening with this other version of me and… truly I think the only time I can access it is in the River. And I have not been in a while. My work… I have let my work slide because I am…”
And she gestures down and she pulls back the blanket slightly and you see that there's been a kind of panel, a makeshift panel placed in her shift, in her like undergarments essentially so that it can maintain, as all priestesses do, a sense of propriety.
And she gently undoes the lacing and you see, at the edges, a bright red and white wound. It feels hot to the touch - you can feel it from where you stand. And the placing of it, not that you know much about medicine, but the weapon that did this looked to have entered sharply and ended widely. You see bruising. It’s like someone knew what they were aiming for.
Christian (as Plenus):
“I have a bit of this left.”
And I pull out the vial of the sleep. The deep sleep. Um, and uh...and I say,
Christian (as Plenus):
“Perhaps you wish to speak with your siblings. Perhaps they would find a way for you to reach the River.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Soevan and I are the two that can move to the River without being dead. The other Gods are kept from it.
Christian (as Plenus):
“She would know, right? She would be able to help you in some way.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Fae might. Plenus, for this… to do this to me, it would have to be part of a God, or Godforged. But this cannot kill me. It will not.
Christian (as Plenus):
“I don't wish to kill you. I simply wish for you to seek aid from them.”
She reaches her hand out towards the vial, and she gently takes it from your hand.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Plenus, what I mean to say is the other Gods cannot kill me. They do not know my downfall. Every god has one. The only full being who could truly understand my downfall is you. And Inanis. So perhaps that is my gift to you. But this may be a warning. Perhaps someone discovered what I had been hiding from them.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Were you pregnant?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“No, Plenus. I was hiding you. As a Eutoches. It was easier to hide you when I was around you.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“So who is coming for us? For me… for Inanis, who is coming?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“The last time the Godkiller prophecy came to pass… The Last Light Crusade killed everyone at Barrencliff. Led by... Halinaea... Ashmedaii... and... the Strix. I cannot say for certain, but if they found out that I was hiding the Godkiller, then this would be a good way to send a message to you, would it not?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“They too seek to end us. They want us dead before we can fulfil the prophecy. Is that right?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Yes, they do not wish the end of all things.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Neither do I!”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“But it is less about you, Plenus, and what you want, but more what your title grants you the ability to do. They are scared of you. And to be honest, I understand.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Tell me. Inanis has found them or knows where they are. Is he heading to the Barrencliffs?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I, um…”
You see she like, she strains, her eyes closed as if attempting to access that part of herself, that part of her knowledge.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I… I cannot say for certain. I’ve… I feel his presence. That has been close to the other version but I could not tell you what has occurred. I would have to go into the River to know. And that is far from accessible for me right now. I’m sorry.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I understand. Don't be. So you cannot die. Are you dying now or is this a sort of stable, stabilization of this wound now?”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“A stable suffering perhaps. I might live with this for the rest of my time. But it will not end me.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I think I need to go to the Barrencliffs. I have to find him. And I think we have to end this. I think I know what I have to do. And I feel it's different than what he has to do.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I think there is a part of me that knew that I would grieve you from the moment I met you. And I don’t think I will ever stop. All things die, Plenus, but that does not mean that all things have to end. Perhaps one day the magic will come back to the River, or it will not. But until then, or until the end, I will make what use of my time I have here. Amongst my sisters. Everyone deserves their peace.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I never spoke her name, Katani, because names are a prayer of their own - and like your followers study your vocation, your prayers… I studied mine. None but we who study, who worship, at their altars should pray. Should say their names.
Nelle. That was her name. You know that now. My Nelle.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“I remember carrying her.”
“She is my magic. She is my River. I don't think we will see each other again, Katani. Not in this world, anyway.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Then I hope that the next time we do is a much more joyous occasion than this?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“What can be more joyous than a meeting between friends?”
And I grab her hand.
She takes it, she squeezes your hand with the strength that she has.
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Please travel safely. I will do what I can. Keep an eye on you.”
I let our hands slip.
It gently falls back on the bed. She’s still holding the Drift.
Christian (as Plenus):
“Say hello to Mother for me.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
Christian (as Plenus):
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“If you see him, please keep him safe for me.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Of course.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“He is so far from me… something in the way of it, that is all I can tell on this side.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I will find him. Goodbye.”
Em (as Nepthysaket/Katani):
“Goodbye, Plenus.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“High Priestess.”
Em (as Verity):
She dips her head back in the room.
Christian (as Plenus):
“She must rest now.”
Em (as Verity):
“Yes, I will see your way out.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“The gun you have,” I say this as we're walking down the halls away from Katani. “It is powerful. What exactly is it?”
She pulls her hand up and holds the pistol flat. She removes or replaces the safety. You look in the handle and you can vaguely see the initials NL engraved into it ornately.
Em (as Verity):
“It belonged to a High Priestess of Nepthysaket from a very long time ago. We thought it lost, but it was returned to us. And we were able to restore it to part of its former glory. It’s an artefact. A powerful powerful artefact of her Grace.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I would beg of you to loan it to me. I believe if you were to confer with your Grace, Nepthysaket would urge you to allow me to leave with it. I seek to put an end to this prophecy and see that life continue. I believe that artefact can help me.
Verity heard every word the two of you spoke in that room. So it is not lost on her what you're asking of her, as she also grapples with trying to keep it together what she knows about the person who now sits in that room.
Can I? Ok. I have a personal relationship with Allseia.
You do.
I would like to Tempt Fate.
Okay, what would you like to do to Tempt Fate?
Well, I seek to gain here is this weapon. So the sort of perilous feat that I would like to initiate is that I would like to grab the weapon from her. Not in a menacing way, but in a way that allows her to feel like it's the right thing to do, is to give it to me. And I will do so with both the confidence that Nepthysaket would see this as a good thing and that Allseia might see it as fate as well if it is in fact to be.
Cool. I love this usage, tying Allseia into the move of Tempt Fate itself. Okay, so when you Tempt Fate with your actions, say what perilous feat you're trying to accomplish and roll 2d6, which you have. Add one for each true statement. A skilled ally is lending you a hand. I'll say because you've tied Allseia into it, I'll give you that one. So with one for that. You have no other options?
I think you have plenty of other options. This is one thing you're trying. And you're far from any God that wishes you harm. I would say no. So you can add a plus one to this role, whatever it is.
6 and a 4… for a… what 6 and 4? 10. And one? 11.
On a 10+, that's an overkill. You triumph over this specific ordeal, but attract the attention of your enemies and they react immediately.
As you grab this gun out of Verity's hand… your hand brushes against the crystal that sits almost in the place where the barrel would be. You see the bullets are loaded inside this crystal, and you feel a pulse blast out from the gun as both of you are flown backward, the gun dropping to the floor after you successfully take it from Verity.
It's like she has witnessed your power in a way that neither of you were expecting. She goes to grab for the gun again, but you are too quick and you take it. I would say that at this point, if you were looking to instill trust in Verity, that would be tenuous at best. You have certainly shown her strength and speed and a tie to divinity. But trust would be a big stretch at this point.
Christian (as Plenus):
“I will hand it back to you if you want it.”
Em (as Verity):
“Return it if you can. I must tend to… Katani.”
It's almost easier for her to say Katani than her Grace or Nepthysaket because that seems too much.
And she nods to you and says,
Em (as Verity):
“You carry the most powerful weapon of our religion. You can show yourself out.”
And she ducks back inside the room.
I'll make my way out.
You leave Temple Lybica, and as you're leaving, you walk down the steps of the temple, and you see a small face peek its way out of the door - you see Miza, the acolyte that had shown you to the High Priestess, watching you leave.
Christian (as Plenus):
“Oh, hello. Thank you for your help.”
Em (as Miza):
“Um, sure. I just wanted to make sure that you were leaving, I guess. Sorry.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“They will need you inside, young one.”
Em (as Miza):
“Yeah, you’re right. What are you gonna do with it? None of us are allowed to touch it.”
She’s gesturing to the weapon.
Christian (as Plenus):
“I'm going to… I'm going to bring the magic back.”
Em (as Miza):
“Sure you are, ok. Just bring it back, ok?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Of course.”
And she ducks her way back inside and she closes the door behind you. Maybe closing the temple doors for the first time in a very long time. Not barring them, but the act of closing them.
I need to find a way to get to Barrencliff.
Mm-hmm. You do. What would you like to do from here?
Who would I go to sort of...
You know that there would be some old teleportation circles in the city. You're not quite sure where they are... So if you could find that information, you might be able to convince someone to let you access them.
Well, Nepthysaket would know where those would be, but she needs to rest. Okay, I'll tuck the gun tight and away from prying eyes, or I would have done so as I was ushered out, and I will make my way towards the Augury to find a sort of secretarial individual there.
Okay. You navigate your way around the Chime to an opposing side of the heptagonal tower base. In contrast to Temple Lybica, the Augury is made of white marble with a decor of platinum and silver. You go up to the door, attempting to open it, and it seems to be locked. There is a large knock… knocker on the door though if you wish to try it.
Sure, I'll knock.
Ok. You knock once, twice, three times, and you hear the echo against the solid whitewood door echo down through what must be hallways and hallways behind it. After a few long moments, you hear a latch being undone on the inside of the door. And you see a... You would know them as Weavers. The acolytes of Allseia… And you see… looks to be in their early 20s, short cropped brown hair. Rich hazel eyes…and kind of peeks their head out the door.
Em (as Weaver Calden):
“The temple is closed today, sir.”
I would like to Connect with this Someone, because what I'm trying to convey is the sense of Allseia in me, so that they understand that I am here doing her bidding in a way.
Okay, so we'll use the move Connect to Someone. So when you try to connect with someone, tell them something intimate and answer one. The GM will reveal a fragment of their pain as they answer the other. What common ground do we share and what still divides us?
I would look to this person and say, with a warm smile…
Christian (as Plenus):
“I have heard her voice… and music echoes in between the syllables of her words. She sings to me ever present. And that is our common ground. I seek your aid.”
Ok. And I think there's a moment as this acolyte, this Weaver, parses this. And you can tell immediately what still divides you is that you still hear it. And that everyone in this temple does not.
Em (as Weaver Calden):
“Ah, you should speak to the Priestex. If you still hear her, you should speak to the Priestex. Come inside, please, quickly.”
And the Weaver ushers you in.
You come inside and the door is quickly barred and locked behind you. The temple is quiet. You walk past a few rooms and you see weavers reading and writing silently. There is a hush over the temple. What should be a buzz with the sharing of knowledge, wisdom.
The Weaver leads you through a back hallway and they open a door and you see yourself and you look up in what must be the center of the Chime. You are in a huge open room that probably goes, that goes up farther than you can imagine, and you see on the floor a set of runes and glyphs that are carved in a small circle, multiple circles, across the floor. The acolyte says,
Em (as Weaver Calden):
“Uh, I'll send you up, but you're gonna need to stand there and just don't fall.”
I walk forward and, um, feeling like I understand what's about to happen, I brace myself.
So you stand on one of the circles and as you step onto it you feel a slight rushing underneath your feet as the glyphs around you light up and you begin to be lifted on a disc. A disc made of magic. You have not seen a display of power this outright. Ever. You didn't know that magic like this still existed.
I certainly, I thought it was going to be some sort of lever pulley situation. So this, I braced myself, but it still took me by surprise. I still almost fall out of the circle.
You have about six inches on either side of you. It's small and it moves quickly. You begin to rise up, up on this disk of blue and green swirling around each other. You rise for hundreds of feet. You're maybe about 500 feet in the air, which you can assume to be about two thirds of the way up the Chime itself, and the disc slows to a stop vertically and begins to move horizontally, pausing briefly so as not to knock you off of it. And it moves across the opening of the center of this large, impossibly tall room to a small opening on a platform that you can step off of.
I do.
Okay, so there's a corridor in front of you and you walk down it and you enter into a library. It is a large library with what could be thousands of books. They're all bound in an ivory leather binding. There's no titles or information on their spines. Every book here is uniform with no discernible difference between one book or the next.
You find the Priestex sitting down, scribing in a book. It catches you for a moment because you know you have held that position with ink-stained hands and meticulous care of the words that you inscribe on a page. Their short-sleeved, sage green robes are banded with cornflower blue and silver in arrangement with the color of their goddess. Their hair is gray and streaked with a light blue shaved short at the sides with a soft wave on the top and longer back. There's a set of small pointed ears, nestled amongst the hair; with light brown skin, gray eyes, and as they look up to you setting a strong jaw, you see runes tattooed onto their neck in what looks to be metal. The tattoos are reflective in either a silver or a platinum. Next to them on the desk facing you is an open ledger that is blank with a quill next to it.
Em (as Priestex Allayne Ivenwood):
“Who are you?”
Christian (as Plenus):
Em (as Allayne):
“Why are you here, Plenus? Who sent you up?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I spent the last few moments of your god's life with her.”
The Priestex stands regarding you carefully, their eyes narrowing and dropping their pen down onto the book. You see some ink splatter. That page will have to be redone.
Em (as Allayne):
“Did she suffer?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“No. Not as she might have. She was sad, but she was brave.”
Em (as Allayne):
“We knew something was wrong when she was silent. We felt her absence. There have been no visions, no foresights, no portents, no intuitions. All has been silent here.
I've devoted my whole life to her. I first intuited when I was nine. For some, it happens even younger. I didn't understand what was happening. I told my parents and they brought me here. I have served her my whole life. You're not supposed to outlive the God you serve.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“She may be dead but she is not gone. You serve her yet. You will continue to serve her. You will hear the music again.”
Em (as Allayne):
“I certainly hope so. What do you need, Plenus? Why have you come to The Study?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I seek information. I seek a means to fast travel, expeditious travel to Barrencliff.”
Em (as Allayne):
Christian (as Plenus):
Em (as Allayne):
“I can help you with the teleportation. The circles are old, but they can still be of use. I cannot get you all the way to Barrencliff - I can get you to Riese. That is the closest we've got that is active to my knowledge.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“That will have to do.”
Em (as Allayne):
“Did you need something from the Study while you’re here? Something I can help with?”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Have you heard of the Godkiller prophecy?”
Em (as Allayne):
“Every speaker of every God has heard of the Godkiller prophecy.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“Right. But you alone have access to the annals here in the Augury?”
Em (as Allayne):
“As the gods have fallen, Allseia saw to it to collect their knowledge here, for good use. Yides, the Arcanic; Xirsha, Mother Healer; Izanye, the Knowing. Every prophecy, all information that we are granted is written here to be kept in the Study. Our minds cannot contain the vastness of the Weave, so we simply translate it. We have helped our Reasoned Sister keep the metre.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“And as High Priestex you have bore witness to these prophecies as they've come through, these truths.”
Em (as Allayne):
Christian (as Plenus):
“So tell me. Are there any that conflict with the Godkiller prophecy?”
Em (as Allayne):
“You will have to ask the books.”
Christian (as Plenus):
Em (as Allayne):
“When we are gifted the prophecy, the intuition, the knowing… it is too much for a mortal mind to handle. We transcribe it, and we are released from the knowing.”
Christian (as Plenus):
“I see.”
Em (as Allayne):
“Knowledge given is knowledge granted, and there is always a price.”
As you get closer to the desk, Allayne Ivenwood, High Priestex of Allseia, gestures to the book on the desk. You see a quill next to it and a blank page, that says ‘Pose Your Question’ at the top of the page.
Well, I grab the quill and I fit it in between my fingers and there's a familiarity with this action, with this behavior, a sort of, oh, an inner calm that comes over him as he picks up this quill and entertains the idea of writing. The thing he loves to do, the thing he's good at doing.
And he writes… Is there a way to stop Archeveleon? Can the prophecy be overturned?”
The ink from the pen settles into the page, but the quill remains in your hand, and you remember what Allayne has just said. Knowledge given is knowledge granted, and you can intuit that the book is asking for you to give something to its annals. To its.. Core. For you to be granted this information. And you have the sense that once you give this knowledge, it will be gone.
From my memory? From all memory?
From your memory entirely. Everything comes with a price.
I think of Allseia and I think of the musicality of her voice, and let it echo around my brain. I think in order to hear the music, maybe I must forget the music - and I offer up the memory of Allseia's voice. The music of it. How peaceful it is. How hopeful. How proud of us.
I think as you go to do this, you've copied sheet music before. And I think instinctively you start writing music, though not being a musical man yourself. It flows through the pattern and the harmony. And as you finish, it is almost as if you can hear the melody of her voice fading, and then it’s gone, there’s part of you that knows it’s missing but you don’t remember what it was like to have it. And your question fades into the page as an answer reveals itself. It says:
The River will remain dry until the heavens fall and the hells freeze; if it is to open again, and let the waters of magic flow back into the world, the Void will have it’s peace and no longer seek it’s own oblivion.
I look up at the High Priestex.
Christian (as Plenus):
“Time is of the essence.”
As you look back down, making sure you catch all the words, you see a small phrase has written beneath it. As the rest of the words start to fade, you see:
Together, or not at all.
Now this is me, Em, above board asking you. You have access to an unlimited well of knowledge. Is there anything else you would like to ask the Study?
No. No, I'm not supposed to know. I'm not supposed to know what I know.
So I think having received that answer... the reality of this impossible choice is sort of just seeped through all the cracks and fissures that comprise this human, this man who's struggling with this impossible choice.
But he can't make it alone and I think that's the real drive at this moment. He feels alone because he is away from his other half and he needs to understand.
Okay. As you come out of the book, you see High Priestex Allayne Ivenwood turn to look at you, and they open their mouth as if to begin asking you a question. And their eyes narrow, you see their head tilt towards the center of where the Chime is, and you start hearing a clamoring and shouting from the center column. It sounds raucous and you hear screaming. What would you like to do?
Oh, I want to help, but I can't. I'm probably of no use here. I guess first I would like to sense a God that isn't anyone I know.
Okay. I would say before you make a roll, there's no full presence of divinity immediately in the room other than the fact that you're in essentially Allseia's home temple, but because you are in Allseial's temple, you recognize that there has been an intrusion of some kind. You feel forces are in here that shouldn't be in here, and perhaps that is the sound that you heard.
Well then I will say,
Christian (as Plenus):
“Quickly, we have no time. I need to get out of here.”
Allayne nods and they begin moving their way with you in tow back towards the center of the Chime. You see as they move through a door to the Study, they don't even close it with their hands. They just clap their hands together. The door closes and you see the seam of the door seal. A fail safe, perhaps, with what magic Allayne does have access to.
You go to the center column and if you peek over the edge, you see holy soldiers bearing the symbols of Halinaea, Ashmedai, and Vosh crashing their way into the center of the column of the Chime and they start looking for a path upward. You see a paladin skewer an Augur and another Weaver who tried to bar them from the room… and you see three High Priests of these respective religions walk in fully armored, and on the hunt.
You see High Priest Weston Kershel of Ashmedai, who's known as ‘The Smoke and the Suffering’. You see High Priestess Luciana Jiran of Halinaea, the ‘Paragon of the Nova's Watch’. And you see Kelgrax Lindscale, the ‘Eversworn Hunter’ of Vosh.
As you peek over the edge you hear, “There, move!”
A volley of arrows starts firing up towards you. What would you like to do?
Well, I have my divinity, don't I? What is the divinity that I have access to at the moment?
Yeah, so you have, I believe you've sacrificed your power of Allseia to manifest a miracle, if I remember that correctly. You still have your power of, from Nyxal, which is adaptation, so you can use that as you see fit. You also, so those are your powers that you have access to. There is also the concept of your divinity.
So, divinity is different in the sense that it is the power innate to the Godkiller yourself, not given from another God. And it's something… to trigger your divinity, your divine trigger is doing something that is following through on your faith. Doing your duty, rather than doing something for yourself, which is your Mortal trigger.
Well, here's the deal. If I were to do something for myself at the moment, it would be to turn into the arrows and take the arrows. Because if I'm dead, the prophecy can't be fulfilled, at least not in full. But I'm not going to do that because I need to get to Plen… to Inanis.
And I think Inanis is the thought in my brain. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I see these people entering is that he must be suffering some sort of thing like this himself or in the middle of it.
And I would like to unleash my divinity by swallowing, by causing a sort of… As these three High Priests walk into the center of the Chime, and I see them, I would like to begin bringing the Chime down on top of them.
Oh my God. Okay. How are you going to do that? I would say that's probably the closest thing you could get to following through on your faith, which would be the destruction of the Major Seven gods. That sounds pretty up your alley with respect to your faith.
I would agree.
Knowing that there are many, many people down at the bottom of the Chime in their respective temples, if the full chime were to come down. As well as a goddess that's in there as well.
Okay, how would you like to bring the Chime down?
I would like… Oh god, I don't know if this will work, but I would like to picture the River. And, as I see it, I would like to sort of cavalcade that River. Erupt the River through the center of the Chime.
Oh cool. So not necessarily to destroy the Chime, but to wash down these people who are trying to come up towards you.
To drown them in fate.
Okay. Alright, so this would likely be… yeah, you following through on your faith will unleash your divinity. Yeah, okay, let's go. That sounds, wow, okay, yeah. So this is going to be a divine move, which is Unleashing your Divinity.
You do not have to roll for this. So when you unleash your awakened divinity, describe how your Godhood surges forth as you exert your will upon reality. You accomplished a single brilliant feat with one side effect of your choosing. It is brief, it is obvious, or it is unstable. Afterward, your divinity becomes dormant once more.
So as you unleash this representation of the River, this rush of water that emanates out from you as it sails down in a waterfall towards the bottom of the entire of the forces of Ashmedai, Halinaea and Vosh. Is it brief? Is it obvious, or is it unstable?
I think it's unstable as fuck. I think the way this happens probably is I see that they're about to unleash that volley. I track their movement as they enter, and as these arrows are notched, the ground beneath these high priests and their warriors begin to tremble and shake awfully. And through the cracks in the ground of this structure, and every inch of free space, water begins to seep. And it flows upward as if the River is running horizontally, or vertically, I should say. It bursts from the center of the Chime where these three High Priests stand. And it is powerful and unstable.
I would imagine… I'm trying to drown them. So I'm trying to hold this for as long as it takes for the High Priestex behind me to set up this teleportation. But I'm rageful at this moment. So I'm trying to kill them.
Okay. So Allayne comes up behind you seeing this unbelievable display as you call the waters of your own River up through the bottom of the Chime, unleashing your divinity and you see Allayne comes next to you and says,
Em (as Allayne):
“Hold that - I'll get you up.”
And they move their hand in a circle, creating a disc underneath the two of you and they begin lifting you up through the center column of the chime as you hold this cavalcade of water.
You see both the high priests and their champions floundering at the bottom amongst just a sea now of soldiers and holy warriors. You see Ashmedai's champion, this tall hulk of a man, broad-shouldered in red and black armor, just crushed under the water, his spiked flail flying up behind him.
You see who you assume to be the champion of Halinaea, leading her charge, blonde hair and a high ponytail, her eyes glowing this brilliant bright white, wearing this again heavy plate armor of reflective chrome, be knocked towards the side. You see a crack in one of the base walls of the Chime, thankfully not in the upper structure but in the below… her greatsword flying, often skewering another of the soldiers. And Vosh's champion wearing a scale mail of what looks to be dragon cale, not as heavy but clamoring, trying to pull herself up through the water, and swimming with a longbow on her back, trying to manage this water. They are floundering and frankly you don't have time to see what happens if they're drowning, because if there is any more reinforcements coming you are in big trouble.
So Elaine starts lifting you up..
Before we reach the top, Em, what I'd like to do, as I've done before, and I think I'm sort of getting the hold of my powers here, is I would like to now use my godhood, my gift granted by Nyxal, my adaptation. And as I've controlled the waters in the past, what I'd like to do is this River that I've used, this unstable River, this unstable water, I'd like to adapt it and freeze it and freeze everything that's in it and then shatter it into a thousand pieces of ice crystal water and everything inside of it is shattered as well.
Okay, so using a power of adaptation to cool something, cool this water that's coming from you. Yeah, okay. So when you Wield a Power to do something only a god can, unlike unleashing your divinity, you will have to roll for this one. You're going to add one for each true statement. You've done this specific act before perfectly, certainly not. You're desperate for this to work. Are you desperate for this to work?
Yes, I think that I can, I am desperate because I know this is unstable power and I can't hold this. And I wanna sort of neutralize this problem on all of these people and sort of control the… there's backup coming and I wanna control their ability to be able to get to us and sort of shattering this River and everything in it. I think it's a big intimidation factor and would actually physically slow them. So I think I am desperate.
Okay, so you're gonna mark one strain on your character sheet, but you do get the plus one for this.
Now I think that puts me at four strain. Is that true? Yes.
I think so, yes, and when you get to five strain, that is you're in trouble. Okay, so the last one here, you're close to a shrine, lair, or domain of the god you took this power from. No. So this is going to be roll 2d6 and add a plus one.
That is a four and a six for a seven. Excuse me, a four and a two for a six plus one for a seven.
Fantastic! On a hit, you do it! So as you freeze this coolness… this coolness emanates from your fingers and where the water becomes pouring from you see just a… it's slowly just crack crack crack crack crack starts turning to ice that rips all the way down and you see people… these holy warriors and the high priests of Ashmedai, Halinaea, and Vosh and their champions are encased in ice.
And you're sailing up, up up - and you see it's almost like a the snow starts falling because of the water spray. Everything is cool and you have certainly slowed them down. They are frozen solid… uh, as you make your way up to the top of the Chime
I think I collapse. I think that's an incredible display of power from someone who's not used to doing that at all. And I think as they freeze and I see… that sort of blue energy, that sort of icy energy finishes flowing from my fingertips and I see almost that last bit of like hand reaching out of the water towards us freeze and the fingertips freeze in front of me. I fall onto that space and almost out of the disc that she's carrying us on, she probably has to catch me.
Yeah, they do. They reach their hands under you and are straining. You see a bead of sweat that is also starting to freeze on their forehead as they're transporting you up on this disc and also now supporting your weight. You get to the top and they drop you off and you're... they essentially drag you onto this platform. You see about 15 feet away is this old teleportation circle.
Um, Allayne looks at you…
Em (as Allayne):
“There are stairs but it's gonna take them to some time to get up here. We're very far up. I can get you to Riese, but that's as far as I can get you.”
I don't have the strength to speak, so I just motion with my hand as if, continue. Please, do it.
Okay, so Allayne drags you over towards the center of the teleportation circle and, just out of haste, just kind of drops you there. You are kind of fall down to the floor. You are thankfully entirely in the teleportation circle as Allayne stands to the side. You hear a soft chanting. You hear them start to use an incantation of words and just like they did on the bottom of the floor… or just like the Weaver did bringing you up here but in a much bigger scale. You see a circle of glyphs light a silver platinum and blue glow so similar, calling back to the mirror where you saw Allseia. You feel the same energy ripple around you as you finally hear the Chime begin to ring.
A wind rushes through the top of the tower, whirling around the circle, swirling around your clothes, rippling your robes. You feel yourself start to drift away… circle… whirl into nothing. And then you rocket across the sky of the Valley whipping towards what you hope is Riese.
As you fly, you leave the tower, you leave the bounds of the City of Glass, and you move and you move and you move, and you hear this cracking sound as you watch the mountains of the east begin to shake. You see some of the shale start cracking amongst the sides and you watch as they shift moving and if pushed, moving as if pushed and rotated with the Valley staying stable around it. The ground shifts and a seam forms along the mountain ranges, moving at odd angles.
And there's a moment where there is a reflection from the sky above before you blink and they return back to where they were… almost upside down for a brief instant. You, a crash of what you hope is thunder rings in the distance behind you as the top of the Chime begins to glow a mixture of red and white, circling out like a beam in your direction.
Above you, the wisps of the River seem closer than ever. You could almost touch them. You're trying to get your bearings as you hurtle towards Riese. You feel like you could break a barrier of sound and you feel this punching feeling. Like you've ripped through something. Like you've punctured something and you feel different.
There is a brief moment where it feels like every time you've been in Inanis' presence. It feels like him. It moves like him. It… there is a rhythm to this space that you're into so briefly and then it's gone again. You rocket again. And this puncturing feeling happens two or three more times as you continue to hurdle and hurtle and hurtle towards Riese trying to get your bearings.
All of a sudden, as you reckon you're about halfway there, you hear a simultaneous rushing sound alongside you. You see another stream of wind moving at the same pace, as you in the same direction as you. You rush faster and faster and faster to a point where everything is a blur. You lose your senses entirely, and then you land with a thud on the stone floor of a teleportation circle.
As you lie on your back, wheezing to gather air in your lungs. You hear the sound of someone coughing and panting to catch their breath… as you look to see Inanis, flesh and blood, lying next to you.
[‘Something & Nothing: Plenus’ Theme begins, composed by Sean McRoberts]
Godkiller: Oblivion is performed by Em Carlson, Christian Navarro & Jannes Wessels. Special thanks to our campaign artist, Mischi. You can find her at @Mischiart on Twitter, as well as to Sean McRoberts, for our composing ‘Something & Nothing’, our main theme for this episode. Music and effects by Epidemic Sound. For more stories, come follow us everywhere at @blackwaterdnd, and be sure to check out our Main Campaign on Monday nights at 8pm PST at twitch.tv/blackwaterdnd. To play your own campaign of Godkiller and dive into your own divinity, go support Godkiller by purchasing the ashcan on itch.io today. This show is made possible by our patrons, and sponsors who graciously support us playing pretend and having feelings about it. You too can come join us on Patreon, where you can check out behind the scenes info, our talkback show Chatwater, as well as exclusive series like this one! Head on over to patreon.com/blackwaterdnd for all the info. See you next time, heretics, and to all the gods out there, be safe!